trunk lock assembly - help please. Fixed

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trunk lock assembly - help please. Fixed

Post by gwb72tii »

Does anyone either have pics, or a description of how the electronic lock actuator hooks up to the mechanical lock?
Specifically is the assembly of the wire link between the actuator and the mechanical lock.

I had disassembled the lock sometime ago prior to shoulder surgery, and now, 10 months later I don't remember how it goes back together.

thanks for any help

below is the assembly. The hard part is getting the electric actuator where it goes with the rod in place, and getting the rod into the plastic retainer clip in the trunk lock.
Boz Scaggs
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Re: trunk lock assembly - help please. Fixed

Post by Boz Scaggs »

Try removing the rod from the mechanical trunk lock and installing the actuator first, then insert the lock afterward and push the rod into place. I don't think installing the entire assembly directly is possible because there isn't enough space in the metal fitting. Hope this helps
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