Machine shop for head work in Austin TX area?

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Machine shop for head work in Austin TX area?

Post by Jasco1 »

Does anyone have a machine shop they can recommend for head work in the Austin Texas area? It’s for my 1988 535i m30B34 with 175k miles. I’m looking to have it checked out, cleaned and maybe new valve seals and guides put it. I live in the Cedar Park area and Lindsey BMW said call Terry Sather. Terry Sather said they don’t work on heads or even have a machine shop to recommend because it closed down. Thanks for any recommendations.

Mike W.
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Re: Machine shop for head work in Austin TX area?

Post by Mike W. »

No idea on Austin specifically, but, here's my .02.

By modern standards M30 heads are dead simple. Any good machine shop should be able to handle it without issues.


Driving the rocker shafts out is a bit quirky, especially if the head is warped. Especially if someone unskilled or uncaring has been in there before, and you can't tell by looking at it. I've had to cut them out before because the ends were so mushroomed.

I've a low opinion of most machine shops. Granted it's a different era, but in the past so many would only, and barely, tolerate doing anything besides cast iron V8s and just kind of go thru the motions if it wasn't.

Ask around, try to find the best one in town, regardless if they're a BMW specialist. Don't even think about trying to save a few bucks, BTDT and it cost me money. It's like surgery, you want the best, not the cheapest.
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Re: Machine shop for head work in Austin TX area?

Post by Jasco1 »

Mike W. wrote: Nov 29, 2023 11:13 PM No idea on Austin specifically, but, here's my .02.

By modern standards M30 heads are dead simple. Any good machine shop should be able to handle it without issues.


Driving the rocker shafts out is a bit quirky, especially if the head is warped. Especially if someone unskilled or uncaring has been in there before, and you can't tell by looking at it. I've had to cut them out before because the ends were so mushroomed.

I've a low opinion of most machine shops. Granted it's a different era, but in the past so many would only, and barely, tolerate doing anything besides cast iron V8s and just kind of go thru the motions if it wasn't.

Ask around, try to find the best one in town, regardless if they're a BMW specialist. Don't even think about trying to save a few bucks, BTDT and it cost me money. It's like surgery, you want the best, not the cheapest.
Mike, thanks for the info! Always appreciate your knowledge and posts.

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Re: Machine shop for head work in Austin TX area?

Post by cyclist »

Have you tried Terry Sayther? I bet if he will not do it he will atleast point you in the right direction
1st 5er
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Re: Machine shop for head work in Austin TX area?

Post by 1st 5er »

cyclist wrote: Dec 03, 2023 5:58 PM Have you tried Terry Sayther? I bet if he will not do it he will atleast point you in the right direction
Did you not read the OP's OP? :roll:
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