Looking for a functional non-leaking zf power steering pump. Mine is squealing and leaking.
WTB 535i Power steering pump
Re: WTB 535i Power steering pump
Have you gone around the perimeter and retorqued all the bolts? That has solved a couple of leaking pumps in previous cars.
Re: WTB 535i Power steering pump
I have a nice pump from my b34. It worked fine. $50 shipped, which is really just cost of shipping and a few pints.
Re: WTB 535i Power steering pump
You might consider getting yours rebuilt. I had mine done here:
Re: WTB 535i Power steering pump
I bought a cheap one from Amazon and it didn't work properly (I had the brake light on and no power steering until around 2K RPM's). Decided to buy the factory rebuild kit, cleaned it and painted and now it works perfectly. It isn't difficult to do and mine had the 250K miles my engine has.