Motronic 1.3 lambda heater

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Motronic 1.3 lambda heater

Post by TimS »

I am trying to add a wideband to my converted motronic 1.3 (179) . It is a PLX one.The system can provide both narrow and wide band outputs. It needs to have switched power and I was thinking of using the power for the O2 heater. I've read that the ecu may cycle the heater on and off, maybe depending on throttle position or load.
Is that true? or is it normal" key on" type power?
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Re: Motronic 1.3 lambda heater

Post by turbodan »

I believe it is hot in run or start. You could ensure that it is by wiring the control for the O2 heater relay to a known switched 12v signal and remove the DME from the circuit.
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Re: Motronic 1.3 lambda heater

Post by Chimi-Changa »

I just ran a wire to my panel under the dash on the left. Most of the pins are switchable power. ( I have the PLX box in the glove box)
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