what are some sitse you can link uploaded pictures from besides cardomain cause it puts their dumb logo on it and webshots.comm cause it doesnt work !@#$ !@#$ !@#$ !@#$
I used this site: http://www.imageshack.us/ b/c tripod doesn't allow image hosting. It worked for the last 2 pics i posted, other than that I have no experience with it. Try googling "free image hosting".
[QUOTE="88 535is south florida"]what are some sitse you can link uploaded pictures from besides cardomain cause it puts their dumb logo on it and webshots.comm cause it doesnt work![/QUOTE]
You can use Roachfly (aka Roadfly)... They give you 3 MB. Its very simple, which makes it easy to use, and you don't need an FTP.
[QUOTE="luvs"]OK .. who can tell me how to make a sig pic clickable ... ? ? anyone ? ?
would like to link my sig pic to my site .. I know we have the www button on top of the post but a linkable pic would be nice, is it possible ?[/QUOTE]
I tried writing in the html for a regular linked picture but it doesn't like it... I wanna know, too!
[QUOTE="John535isMaine/Mass"]I tried writing in the html for a regular linked picture but it doesn't like it... I wanna know, too![/QUOTE]
I was wandering the site and it appears that Scottie has linked to a site with his pics ... guess we'll just have to wait for him to wake up to find out !
Haha I had to figure out how to show the code without it actually doing it's thing (you check "Disable CuteCode" btw). To make a pic in your sig a link, do this: