What causes a euro odometer to.....

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Kyle in NO
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Post by Kyle in NO »

click off digits faster than a US one?? Is it simply a function of the odo gears having a different number of teeth on them??

If so, couldn't I just change one of the gears to make a Euro odo click off the proper miles?

Kyle in NO
Posts: 662
Joined: Feb 12, 2006 12:00 PM

Post by al525i »

the euro odo clicks off faster because it measures kilometers, not miles.

obviously a kilometer is a shorter distance than a mile so it clicks off faster.

and as far as how it does it, i don't know but it cant be much difference in the two

hope this helps.
Kyle in NO
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Post by Kyle in NO »

Well yeah, I know that! I was just wondering if it is simply a mechanical thing with the gearing, or does the little electric motor spin faster or something like that.

I have a sneaking suspicion its just the little gears that are different...

Kyle in NO
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Post by shifty »

The German mice in the cluster run faster than the Amurricun ones in our clusters. DUH.

Stupid. . .


Post by Guest »


It's the gearing inside the speedo that drives the odo. SO in teory you could swap the gears and have the speedo indicating in KPH while the odo is registering Miles.

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