san diego, st paddys day suggestion.............

General conversations about BMW E28s and the people who own them.
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Post by canyoncarver »

each year as st paddys day has grown in participation, we have had "encounters" with parking enforcement officials.

its a genuine shame as this venue ( I5 at Mission Bay ) is scenic, and easy access to all who attend.

this year, the local BMWCCA, is hosting an additional autocross event......on st paddys day.....
it may be a great opportunity to show off our e28s,...kill some cones and still be easy to find for all thge out of towners.
there are a number of nearby eateries,...close access to darin o'glenns and plenty of unrestricted parking. the downside is theres no scenic water nearby.

for those of us/you that are attending...this may be a great place to congregate........send your thoughts to darin or charles gray if you would please..!!

oh........autocross participation is limited to BMWCCA members......cost is $40-45 and tech opens at 0630.......only 80 cars will be allowed...............

thanks..!! jim@dashop
Posts: 179
Joined: Feb 12, 2006 12:00 PM

Post by Echo »

Actually, because this Autox is being held in conjunction with the local Impalla club, there will only be 60 bmw entries. I'll most likely be there with the 2002 so come on out! It will be great to see you all!

John SCB
Posts: 1866
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Post by John SCB »

Great idea, Jim....I say let's party at the Q.
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