each year as st paddys day has grown in participation, we have had "encounters" with parking enforcement officials.
its a genuine shame as this venue ( I5 at Mission Bay ) is scenic, and easy access to all who attend.
this year, the local BMWCCA, is hosting an additional autocross event......on st paddys day.....
it may be a great opportunity to show off our e28s,...kill some cones and still be easy to find for all thge out of towners.
there are a number of nearby eateries,...close access to darin o'glenns and plenty of unrestricted parking. the downside is theres no scenic water nearby.
for those of us/you that are attending...this may be a great place to congregate........send your thoughts to darin or charles gray if you would please..!!
oh........autocross participation is limited to BMWCCA members......cost is $40-45 and tech opens at 0630.......only 80 cars will be allowed...............
thanks..!! jim@dashop