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BMW / MyE28.com Acronyms
BMW / MyE28.com Acronyms
Found this and thought it might be helpful, especially to noobs, which I was one of a few years ago.
Anything need added, deleted, corrected, etc.?
A/C = Air Conditioning
A/D = Analog/Digital
AAV=Additional Air Valve or Auxiliary Air Valve
AB = Airbag
ABS = Anti-lock Braking System
ACC = Active Check Control
ACS = AC Schnitzer
ADB = Automatic Differential Braking
AE = Angel Eyes
AFM = Air Flow Meter
AFR = Air to Fuel Ratio
ALC = Automatic Light Control
AMHIK = Ask Me How I Know
ARS = Active Roll Stabilization
ASC = Automatic Stability Control
AT = Automatic Transmission
ATF = Automatic Transmission Fluid
AWD = All Wheel Drive
BBK = Big Brake Kit
BFH = Big effin hammer
BLS = Brake Light Switch
BMW = Bayerische Motoren Werke
BST = Battery Safety Terminal
CA = Customer Advisor (salesperson)
CAB = Control Arm Bushing
CAI = Cold Air Intake
CAS = Car Access System
CBC = Cornering Brake Control
CCFL = Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lighting
CCM = Check Control Module
CD = Control Display
CDC = Compact Disk Changer
CDV = Clutch Delay Valve
CEL = Check Engine Light
CF = Carbon Fiber
CLS = Central Locking System
COP = Coil On Plug
CPO = Certified Pre Owned
CPS = Crank Position Sensor
CSB = Center Support Bearing
CSB = Certified Street Banger
CSI = Cold Start Injector
CSL = Coupe Sport Lightweight
CSV = Cold Start Valve
CTS = Coolant Temp Sensor
CVT = Continuously Variable Transmission
CWP = Cold Weather Package
DAE = Daytime Angel Eyes
DBC = Dynamic Brake Control
DBS = Dynamic Braking System
DCS = Dealer Communication System
DD = Daily Driver
DDE = Digital Diesel Electronics
DIS = Direct Ignition System
DIY = Do It Yourself
DME = Digital Motor Electronics
DMM = Digital Multi Meter
DOHC = Double Over Head Camshafts
DRL = Daytime Running Lamps
DSC = Dynamic Stability Control
DTC = Dynamic Traction Control
DTM = Deutsche Tourenwagen Meisterchaft (German Touring Car Championship)
EAM = Electrostatic Airflow Meter
ECM = Engine Control Module
ECU = Electronic Control Unit
ED = European Delivery
EDFC = Electronic Dampening Force Controller
EDIS = Electronic Distributorless Ignition System
EFI = Electronic Fuel Injection
EPROM = Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
ETA = efficiency (from the e for the Greek letter eta as in 528e)
ETK = Electronic Parts Catalog
ETM = Electrical Troubleshooting Manual
FAD = Fat Ass Driver
FI = Forced induction
FTL = For The Loss
FTW = For The Win
FWD = Front Wheel Drive (only applies to MINI!)
GLTB = Good Luck To Buyer
GLWS = Good Luck With Sale
H/K = Harmon/Kardon
HDR = High Dynamic Range
HFM = Hot Film Meter
HID = High Intensity Discharge
HM = Hotwire Meter
HPS = Head Protection System
Hz = Hertz (Cycle)
i = fuel injection (as in 535i)
IAC = Idle Air Control (valve) (ICV)
I-Bus = Information bus
ICM = Idle Control Module
ICV = Idle Control Valve
IKE = Instrument cluster Electronics
IR = Infrared
IRS = Infrared Locking System
ISC = Idle Speed Control
ISIS = Intelligent Safety Integration System
ITB = Individual Throttle Body
LAM = Laser Airflow Meter
LCAB = Lower Control Arm Bushing
LCL = Low Coolant Light
LCM = Lamp Check Module
LDP = Leak Diagnosis Pump
LED = Light Emitting Diode
LEO = Law Enforcement Officer
LEV = Low Emissions Vehicle
LHD = Left-Hand Drive
LSD = Limited Slip Differential
MAF = Mass Air Flow sensor
MAM = Mass Air Meter
MBC = Maximum Brake Control
MCU = Motronic Control Unit
MF = Micro Fiber
MMC = Multi-Media Changer
MRS = Multiple Restraint System
MT = Manual Transmission
MV = Magnetic Valve (solenoid Valve)
MoDiC = Mobile Diagnostic Computer
NAVI = Navigation module
NOS = Nitrous Oxide Systems
NOX = Nitrogen Oxides/ exhaust gas recirculation (from ETK)
NVH = Noise, Vibration, Harshness
O2 = Oxygen (sensor)
OBC = On Board Computer
OBD = On Board Diagnostics
OEM = Original Equipment Manufacturer
OP = Original Poster
P-Bus = Periphery bus
P/N = Park/Neutral position
PCD = Performance Center Delivery
PCV = Positive Crankcase Ventilation valve
PDC = Park Distance Control
PDR = Paintless Dent Repair
PGS = Passive Go System
PM = Power Module
PO = Previous Owner
PP = Premium Package
PPI = Pre-Purchase Inspection
PSI = Pounds Per Square Inch
PTC = Positive Temperature Coefficient
PWG = Pedal position sensor/ potentiometer
RAM = Random Access Memory
RDC = tire pressure Control
RDS = Radio Data-broadcast System
RFT - Run Flat Tires
RHD = Right-Hand Drive
RLS = Rain-Light Sensor
RM = Relay Module
RPS = Rollover Protection System
RSM = Rear Shock Mount
RTAB = Rear Trailing Arm Bushing
RWD = Rear Wheel Drive
s = sport (as in 535is)
SC = Supercharger
SA = Service Advisor
SAV = Sport Activity Vehicle (X Series vehicles such as X5, X6, X3)
SE = Special Equipment
SLS = Self Leveling System
SM = Street Modified
SMG = Sequential Manual Gearbox
SOHC - Single Overhead Cam
SP = Sport Package
SRS = Supplemental Restraint System
SS = Stainless Steel
SSK = Short Shift Kit
Step = Steptronic transmission
T = Touring
TB = Timing Belt
TCS = Traction Control System
TCU = Trans Control Unit
TDC = Top Dead Center
TIS = Technische Information System
TME = Transmission Mount Enforcer
TMU = True Miles Unknown
TPS = Throttle Position Sensor
TRE = Tie Rod End
TTS = Thermo Time Switch
UCAB = Upper Control Arm Bushing
VAM = Volumetric Airflow Meter
VANOS = Variable Lift and Timing System
VIN = Vehicle Identification Number
VTEC = Variable Timing and Lift Electronic Control
VVTI = Variable Valve Timing and Lift (With Intelligence)
WOT = Wide Open Throttle
WP = Water Pump
YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary
ZCP = BMW Competition Package (M3 Only)
ZCW = BMW Cold Weather Package
ZDDP = Zinc dialkyldithiophosphates
ZHP = BMW Performance Package (Available on US-Market 330i/Ci/Cic Only)
ZPP = BMW Premium Package
ZSP = BMW Sport Package
Anything need added, deleted, corrected, etc.?
A/C = Air Conditioning
A/D = Analog/Digital
AAV=Additional Air Valve or Auxiliary Air Valve
AB = Airbag
ABS = Anti-lock Braking System
ACC = Active Check Control
ACS = AC Schnitzer
ADB = Automatic Differential Braking
AE = Angel Eyes
AFM = Air Flow Meter
AFR = Air to Fuel Ratio
ALC = Automatic Light Control
AMHIK = Ask Me How I Know
ARS = Active Roll Stabilization
ASC = Automatic Stability Control
AT = Automatic Transmission
ATF = Automatic Transmission Fluid
AWD = All Wheel Drive
BBK = Big Brake Kit
BFH = Big effin hammer
BLS = Brake Light Switch
BMW = Bayerische Motoren Werke
BST = Battery Safety Terminal
CA = Customer Advisor (salesperson)
CAB = Control Arm Bushing
CAI = Cold Air Intake
CAS = Car Access System
CBC = Cornering Brake Control
CCFL = Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lighting
CCM = Check Control Module
CD = Control Display
CDC = Compact Disk Changer
CDV = Clutch Delay Valve
CEL = Check Engine Light
CF = Carbon Fiber
CLS = Central Locking System
COP = Coil On Plug
CPO = Certified Pre Owned
CPS = Crank Position Sensor
CSB = Center Support Bearing
CSB = Certified Street Banger
CSI = Cold Start Injector
CSL = Coupe Sport Lightweight
CSV = Cold Start Valve
CTS = Coolant Temp Sensor
CVT = Continuously Variable Transmission
CWP = Cold Weather Package
DAE = Daytime Angel Eyes
DBC = Dynamic Brake Control
DBS = Dynamic Braking System
DCS = Dealer Communication System
DD = Daily Driver
DDE = Digital Diesel Electronics
DIS = Direct Ignition System
DIY = Do It Yourself
DME = Digital Motor Electronics
DMM = Digital Multi Meter
DOHC = Double Over Head Camshafts
DRL = Daytime Running Lamps
DSC = Dynamic Stability Control
DTC = Dynamic Traction Control
DTM = Deutsche Tourenwagen Meisterchaft (German Touring Car Championship)
EAM = Electrostatic Airflow Meter
ECM = Engine Control Module
ECU = Electronic Control Unit
ED = European Delivery
EDFC = Electronic Dampening Force Controller
EDIS = Electronic Distributorless Ignition System
EFI = Electronic Fuel Injection
EPROM = Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
ETA = efficiency (from the e for the Greek letter eta as in 528e)
ETK = Electronic Parts Catalog
ETM = Electrical Troubleshooting Manual
FAD = Fat Ass Driver
FI = Forced induction
FTL = For The Loss
FTW = For The Win
FWD = Front Wheel Drive (only applies to MINI!)
GLTB = Good Luck To Buyer
GLWS = Good Luck With Sale
H/K = Harmon/Kardon
HDR = High Dynamic Range
HFM = Hot Film Meter
HID = High Intensity Discharge
HM = Hotwire Meter
HPS = Head Protection System
Hz = Hertz (Cycle)
i = fuel injection (as in 535i)
IAC = Idle Air Control (valve) (ICV)
I-Bus = Information bus
ICM = Idle Control Module
ICV = Idle Control Valve
IKE = Instrument cluster Electronics
IR = Infrared
IRS = Infrared Locking System
ISC = Idle Speed Control
ISIS = Intelligent Safety Integration System
ITB = Individual Throttle Body
LAM = Laser Airflow Meter
LCAB = Lower Control Arm Bushing
LCL = Low Coolant Light
LCM = Lamp Check Module
LDP = Leak Diagnosis Pump
LED = Light Emitting Diode
LEO = Law Enforcement Officer
LEV = Low Emissions Vehicle
LHD = Left-Hand Drive
LSD = Limited Slip Differential
MAF = Mass Air Flow sensor
MAM = Mass Air Meter
MBC = Maximum Brake Control
MCU = Motronic Control Unit
MF = Micro Fiber
MMC = Multi-Media Changer
MRS = Multiple Restraint System
MT = Manual Transmission
MV = Magnetic Valve (solenoid Valve)
MoDiC = Mobile Diagnostic Computer
NAVI = Navigation module
NOS = Nitrous Oxide Systems
NOX = Nitrogen Oxides/ exhaust gas recirculation (from ETK)
NVH = Noise, Vibration, Harshness
O2 = Oxygen (sensor)
OBC = On Board Computer
OBD = On Board Diagnostics
OEM = Original Equipment Manufacturer
OP = Original Poster
P-Bus = Periphery bus
P/N = Park/Neutral position
PCD = Performance Center Delivery
PCV = Positive Crankcase Ventilation valve
PDC = Park Distance Control
PDR = Paintless Dent Repair
PGS = Passive Go System
PM = Power Module
PO = Previous Owner
PP = Premium Package
PPI = Pre-Purchase Inspection
PSI = Pounds Per Square Inch
PTC = Positive Temperature Coefficient
PWG = Pedal position sensor/ potentiometer
RAM = Random Access Memory
RDC = tire pressure Control
RDS = Radio Data-broadcast System
RFT - Run Flat Tires
RHD = Right-Hand Drive
RLS = Rain-Light Sensor
RM = Relay Module
RPS = Rollover Protection System
RSM = Rear Shock Mount
RTAB = Rear Trailing Arm Bushing
RWD = Rear Wheel Drive
s = sport (as in 535is)
SC = Supercharger
SA = Service Advisor
SAV = Sport Activity Vehicle (X Series vehicles such as X5, X6, X3)
SE = Special Equipment
SLS = Self Leveling System
SM = Street Modified
SMG = Sequential Manual Gearbox
SOHC - Single Overhead Cam
SP = Sport Package
SRS = Supplemental Restraint System
SS = Stainless Steel
SSK = Short Shift Kit
Step = Steptronic transmission
T = Touring
TB = Timing Belt
TCS = Traction Control System
TCU = Trans Control Unit
TDC = Top Dead Center
TIS = Technische Information System
TME = Transmission Mount Enforcer
TMU = True Miles Unknown
TPS = Throttle Position Sensor
TRE = Tie Rod End
TTS = Thermo Time Switch
UCAB = Upper Control Arm Bushing
VAM = Volumetric Airflow Meter
VANOS = Variable Lift and Timing System
VIN = Vehicle Identification Number
VTEC = Variable Timing and Lift Electronic Control
VVTI = Variable Valve Timing and Lift (With Intelligence)
WOT = Wide Open Throttle
WP = Water Pump
YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary
ZCP = BMW Competition Package (M3 Only)
ZCW = BMW Cold Weather Package
ZDDP = Zinc dialkyldithiophosphates
ZHP = BMW Performance Package (Available on US-Market 330i/Ci/Cic Only)
ZPP = BMW Premium Package
ZSP = BMW Sport Package
Last edited by 1st 5er on Jul 13, 2013 9:17 PM, edited 28 times in total.
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