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Post by funfunfer »

Oh yeah! this is the kind of stuff I want to deal with on a "pro-bono" gig.!
Thank you Beamters. I hope Santa brings you everything on your Christmas list.

"Even paranoids have real enemies."
garageboy wrote:
Jeremy wrote:All of that would actually be fine, IF IT WERE AN ACTUAL SIGNATURE. What you're calling a "signature", wasn't. It was part of your post. It was artificially making your sig part of your post that was throwing things off.
Oh good grief. Now my signature isn't really a signature? Do you hear yourself? Why don't you waste our time and define what IS and IS NOT valid for a signature. Unbelievable.
Jeremy wrote:
garageboy wrote:Once again, can anyone produce said "screw you" communication?
You were contacted about the issue, asked to change your behavior, and absolutely refused. That's what "go screw" means, it's a mostly British term, perhaps I shouldn't have used it here. The exchange was several years back at this point, there is no record.
Several years back??!! And you "allowed" this "violation" to go on this long?? You expect me and everyone else here to believe that both of these statements are true? Really now? You sound like Fox News. "Many people say..." and "Many believe that" are two of their classic bullshit lines... kinda like "there is no record". Don't accuse me of something you cannot prove. What an asshole move.

I certainly have no beef with the Beamter community. But I suspect I have a beef with a couple of the Beamters that think they can act with impunity whenever they deem fit. It's a smelly day in Beamter-land, that's for sure.
Jeremy wrote:It seems you're still not getting the point. Manually putting all your past cars into every post throws off the search results for people looking for information about a specific model of car.
Talk about not getting the point. I was only putting in current cars with current mileage. When cars or mileage changed, the signature changed. If you must know, it was an easy way for ME to keep track of my mileage in case I was behind in my record-keeping.

I have engaged in enough search engine optimization in my career to know how it works, now that you pointed it out to me there is a problem with your search function. Just for your information, when I use the MYE28 search mechanism, if I put "1988 528e" in the keyword search, you are correct: my recent posts seem to dominate. However, when I use the "google" box on the search page, it seems smart enough to eliminate EVERY one of my posts since they are not relevant to a 1988 528e search. So that would indicate more that your search mechanism requires some tweaking on your part. As a lifelong technologist, that is the preferred approach: fix the tool; don't blame the user.

Like I said, I will absolutely and forever more comply with your arbitrary "ruling", which may be more based on your technical lack of abilities in configuring the search mechanism, but no one likes to be shat upon or lied to. So I am speaking up. Your somewhat slanderous words, Jeremy, and Justin's obnoxious behavior both violate the spirit of this forum and cast a dark shadow on an otherwise functioning list. Especially Justin - reconsider your behavior next time.
Jeremy wrote:I don't think anybody will ever be searching for .steve. ;)
OK, funnyman. But if I was searching for a guy named "steve" that sold me something, wouldn't my posting it in each note also throw off the search mechanism?

Don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining,
Kyle in NO
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Post by Kyle in NO »

I don't think he gets it.
C.R. Krieger
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Post by C.R. Krieger »

Kyle in NO wrote:I don't think he gets it.
He does. Drop it.
Kyle in NO
Posts: 17638
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Location: Nasty Orleans------> Batten-Rooehjch------>More Souther LA

Post by Kyle in NO »

Ehhhhh...I'm not fully convinced.
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