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Re: Unfortunate news. Please read and pass on.
Posted: Aug 04, 2011 7:58 PM
by wickahead
Parts Dept wrote:At this time all MYE28,, Roundel and any other internet mail order parts discount codes are expired. Unfortunately this program has come to an end. Upper mgmt makes the calls, and I must follow them. I cannot ellaborate as to all the reasons.
Ah sh*t.
I just popped back up from being under my rock and saw this.
Thanks for all your help Brian. I hope my large order wasn't a factor in the original decision by upper mgmt.
I also wanted to add my thanks for all your help and support over the years.
Re: Unfortunate news. Please read and pass on.
Posted: Aug 04, 2011 9:07 PM
by alijonny
wickahead wrote:Parts Dept wrote:At this time all MYE28,, Roundel and any other internet mail order parts discount codes are expired. Unfortunately this program has come to an end. Upper mgmt makes the calls, and I must follow them. I cannot ellaborate as to all the reasons.
Ah sh*t.
I just popped back up from being under my rock and saw this.
Thanks for all your help Brian. I hope my large order wasn't a factor in the original decision by upper mgmt.
I also wanted to add my thanks for all your help and support over the years.
see this, but act quick.
Posted: Oct 11, 2011 3:55 PM
by Parts Dept
For those who havent seen the news, this is still in effect.
Sorry guys, but my duties dont allow me time to take care of orders like they should be.