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Posted: Feb 04, 2005 12:26 PM
by 5er Quest
Somebody sent me a pretty decent suspect- "Brian or Sherri Gumm" was in the email addy... anyone know of this person?
Posted: Feb 04, 2005 1:22 PM
by fastpat
Wot? Again.
Posted: Feb 04, 2005 4:40 PM
by 5er Quest
WOT? is it?
Posted: Feb 04, 2005 8:16 PM
by Madhungarian
Tom, no offense, but it is the impossible quest, unless BMW has a dry stock for 20 yerars and lost their leease on the building. :-) (Hate those faces!)
Posted: Feb 04, 2005 9:33 PM
by 5er Quest
Alright, you got me: What the H-E double toothpicks are you TALKING about??!?! You sound like my 80 year old mother, all words, no meaning!!! Check my signature- first line!