E28 / MYE28.com T-shirts

General conversations about BMW E28s and the people who own them.
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Post by Skeen »

After my last thread about art, I've been checking out how to do T-shirts and....

1) It's easy if it's a new drawing because I can do it on 8.5x11 paper and have a regular t-shirt place scan and print it.

2) If you wanted one of the existing drawings it will be more difficult. I could take pictures and print out copies to take to the t-shirt place and do the same as above, but all the originals are too big for any scanners I've been able to locate so far.

The other thing is, I think I would need a minimum of about 20 people (or that many shirts) for either of the above.

So, can anyone that's interested post their thoughts? I think the best idea might just be to make one or two designs that everyone would be intersted in (like a generic E28 shirt or maybe even a MYE28.com shirt with something like the graphic atop this page).

Visit http://home.earthlink.net/~michaelskeen/art.html for examples of my previous work.
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Post by Newman »

a mye28 shirt sounds cool, although i really wanted a shrit w/ my car on it, that would be so cool! :cool:
Black Out
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Post by Black Out »

we should make some type of logo with our headlights and grill
Brian in TN
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Post by Brian in TN »

I think a design that has a simple "E28" on it would please just about everybody. Some folks have full euro cars, some have U.S. versions and so on. Not everyone can be pleased but ya cant go wrong with something like that. A cool small logo on the front left chest and a larger imprint on the back of some sort would be cool. I would buy 2 or 4 of em for sure.
Rich in Tupelo
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Post by Rich in Tupelo »

Sounds great. I would be interested. I would just make sure that you run it by William for approval if you are going to use mye28.com on the shirt at all since he owns the domain.

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Post by Skeen »

Sounds great guys, I'll get started on a design idea and post again soon. I think I'll go with something that doesn't specifically say anything about mye28.com, but just has an e28. After I get the design finalized, I'll start taking orders, so don't bombard me with e-mails yet unless you have ideas you'd like incorporated.

Thanks guys
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Post by Matt »

One idea i've had... for E28 M5 owners.. a t-shirt could just be the first letters of the VIN that make it an E28 M5..

WBSDC93 or whatever they are...

a true hardcore bmw nut would know what a WBSDC93 meant ;)
Dinan e28
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Post by Dinan e28 »

I think a mye28 shirt with a US 535 and a M535 would be cool. W/ my e28 on front.
And give a kick back to William for hosting us.
pdx 528e
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Post by pdx 528e »

I'd be down for a shirt, doesnt matter whether its Euro or Federalized to me. I think it would be cool to have mye28 on it if William gives approval, but im interested either way.
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Post by Robbie »


I sent you an e-mail when I saw your post on Tuesday, I don't think
you received it though. Your very talented and your artwork is great.
Check your mail, we need to talk.

Robbie :)
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Post by Spark »

You folks might remember that I did the Mye28.com decals back in August of last year If you need any assistance on this project, I will be glad to help. I think everyone was happy with the results and I have lots of experience in design and customer service.
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Post by graphite »

i'd be interested in a shirt that just has the logo at the top of this site on it..
Tim in N FL
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Post by Tim in N FL »

I'm interested in seeing your designs for a Mye28.com t-shirt as well.
Keep it somewhat simple as Brian and others have suggested....small logo on front upper right and larger logo on back. I would be interested in buying 1-2 of them... :D


Just don't put snap shots of Shocker's shocking animated gif on the t-shirt, OK?
I don't wanna see anything that is "oral" going on on the hood of an e28 ~0

[Edit by Tim in N FL on [TIME]1108154624[/TIME]]
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Post by Skeen »

Don't plan to put any shockers on the shirt, but technically it's not "oral" ;)

I'll try to get an idea up this weekend sometime.
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Post by Tjn182 »

I'd be interested -- As long the shirt makes it clear that it's a BMW e28. I'd love to see some of your thoughts of possible shirt designs.
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Post by Threeshifter »

Can I get a shirt with a picture of me pushing my car?

Just kidding.
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