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Joined: Oct 05, 2006 11:04 PM
Location: Phönix, Arizona, USA


Post by wkohler »

Hi. Thanks for having me. I hope that this post finds you well.

I've been here a while and there's one particular formatting issue which I find bothersome. I hope and pray that I am not alone. I feel could be resolved easily and without pain.

The problem surrounds the "Cool" emoticon. It's code is as follows:

Code: Select all

It is displayed like this:
With this being a rather technical message board, what with numbers and all in occasional use, It becomes a problem if you want to use numbers such as 8 in parenthesis like this:

Code: Select all

(3.8L V8)
With the current code for the "Cool" emoticon, the post is displayed like this:
(3.8L V8)
I think it would be a smashing idea if the code for the "Cool" emoticon was changed to something like this:

Code: Select all

I feel that with this minor change, much strife can be averted, and we can all get along swimmingly...for now.

Thank you for your time! I appreciate all of the great work you folks do!


Christopher Kohler
Posts: 3485
Joined: Nov 27, 2007 12:00 AM
Location: Palmdale, CA

Post by CSBolger »

I've noticed it, been annoyed by it, then forgot about it.
It would be cool if it were changed, though.
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