Signature size Forum system comments and questions. Please post registration, login, or general forum usage problems here.
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Signature size

Post by wkohler »

I was curious if there was a way to fix the size of the signature area so that it will only display up to a maximum height. Another board on which I'm a member uses phpBB 2 and has that function in place. If you want to see all the crap that member has in his/her signature, you can see it by clicking on their profile (that's how I figured out that it just wasn't people incapable of cropping pictures).

I figure that would be a nice way to limit the complaints about the size of signatures, while also sending a message to those who have no regard for how much space they take up with each post.

I hope you enjoyed reading this and will consider my question. If you have any further questions, etc, feel free to ask me.
Son of a
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Post by Son of a »

I know what Chris is talking about, and it bugs me too. Doesn't bother me enough to make my own comment about, but it is more than annoying enough to get me to second the idea.

If the Board is setup to limit the vertical span of the signature, then please utilize that function for everyone's benefit. I'm sick of seeing people with 1-line posts and 20-line signatures detailing their life's automotive history. (Or worse.)
C.R. Krieger
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Post by C.R. Krieger »

What they said.
Karl Grau
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Post by Karl Grau »

I agree. Anything over around 300x200 for a sig pic is too big.
As far as listing cars, I don't care if you list any BMWs you CURRENTLY own but I don't really give a rat's ass about your wife's minivan or the 2002 you owned 20 years ago in college.
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Post by ldsbeaker »

I concur.
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