No before pics in order to protect the innocent. E39 M5. About a year ago this huge German Shepherd was running back and forth across the major residential street in our neighborhood during morning rush hour. I wanted to get him out of traffic so pulled into a driveway that ended up steeper than I thought and it took out the bottom corner of the bumper making a half dollar sized hole mostly out of sight with a few long cracks along the bottom. Annoying but not really the end of the world yet.
Then about a month ago I noticed a big spider web crack front and center. Pretty obvious someone had backed into me, probably in the lot at work.
I terminated each crack by drilling a small hole. Cleaned with a wire brush. Built up the back side with plastic epoxy and reinforced with screen. Then I built up the front in layers until the cracks and holes were filled in. This was followed by lots of sanding and finally paint.
I'm sure people will cringe but I painted it with Rustoleum 2X UltraCover paint for plastic. After setting up a few days I spent this morning wet sanding and polishing.
For the most part everything worked out as planned. My biggest problem is my vision and detail work. Some little problems I simply didn't see. Or I put the paint down too thin. Or I got carried away sanding over a somewhat sharp crease. I also had a couple of little spots that were peeling due to poor prep work.
I spent maybe $40 compared to $600 I think for the M5 bumper. It's not perfect but does look better than it did. If it rains tomorrow maybe no one at TexFest will even notice.
I'll try again with a little more prep, few more layers, and maybe one of those lighted magnifying glasses and maybe it will be perfect.
This was the hole:
And this was the radiating spider webby cracks: