Circled it with a sharpie.

Got it. Mine is stamped "W+P 1 86" and thus is not one of the really bad ones. My car was made 7/86 so must have JUST missed getting one of the recalled "W+P 2 86" sprockets. I'm sure there's a risk that this sprocket could fail, but there's no way I'm getting one of those newfangled ones in time, so will just risk it...waynet1 wrote:Here ya go.
They are easier to take out on that M20 than the later ones.. I use a Stanley pry-bar to start the injectors out of the intake. Lube the O-rings with gear oil when installing them.Kyle in NO wrote:Yes, the fuel rail and injectors can be pulled without removing the intake manifold. Pop injectors and rail out, then roll the whole assembly over the valve cover area and out.
Thanks guys.a wrote:They are easier to take out on that M20 than the later ones.. I use a Stanley pry-bar to start the injectors out of the intake. Lube the O-rings with gear oil when installing them.Kyle in NO wrote:Yes, the fuel rail and injectors can be pulled without removing the intake manifold. Pop injectors and rail out, then roll the whole assembly over the valve cover area and out.
Roger that. I have a VR gasket and will use it. THanks.Kyle in NO wrote:The valve cover gasket will leak, trust me. The newer Victor Reinz gaskets have a bead of silicone already imbedded for better sealing. You can smear a small amount of RTV over the blind plug to head joint to ensure a good seal.
Makes sense. Thanks. Of course this begs the question: in which direction was the afm wiper adjusted. I've been told never to eff with the wiper.wkohler wrote:It richens the mixture, which when the engine is cold, improved driveability for the whiners. This was usually performed in conjunction with adjusting the AFM wiper, so if you decide to remove it and find the car runs less than stupendously, look at the AFM. The resistor can very well be a source of a No-start if the solder joints break, as the CTS signal is necessary to operation of the vehicle.