Car has been running fine. I put the boost controller back in and turned it up a little, 12psi, but that could really be 15 or 16. I was running from Durham to Charlotte a little too hard. Triple digits, 130 a few time under very hard long pulls, one after the next. Never gave her time to recover. It was a VR hg that I installed a while back while on an extremely tight budget.turbodan wrote:Why A/W? Were you having trouble with intake air temps?
Now she will get a cometic MLS, b35 cam is going back in. Maybe a water to air intercooler setup.
Just hoping I didn't crack the head like last time.
It would be nice if someone had an extra upgraded 745 k27 they could let go off for a nice price.
I'm smiling and have to say that it was fun while it lasted. Now I just have to do it all over again...