I installed a neighbor's swamp cooler this weekend, and I got $1500 to blow! My thoughts went directly to a turbo system for the 533i... I have read "the bible" but I still need to do the math for the correct size turbo, but from there I think Im good. I should need:
A TCD manifold
Wastegate to fit TCD manifold
Bypass Valve
Associated plumbing
Rising Rate Fuel Pressure Regulator
Some form of A/F monitoring device
I only want to run maybe 8-10psi, so this should work right? I don't have access to a mandrel bender, but I do have access to a welder. Can I use silicone couplers to attach the straight intake pipes? 10psi shouldn't blow them off if I do it right, I hope... What am I missing here... Oh! Exhaust system. Should I go with the TCD unit or build my own?
EDIT - It's either this or stash the money away for my 6er that I am trying to sell, or my future Porsche 928S... Any suggestions are welcome.
*Crawls inside flame proof body bag*