wkohler wrote:I was just saying that sniping software is one of the worst things to come about. I've been an eBay member since '02 and it has become way too prevalent. Almost no one used it before. Now, I can't win anything. I'm not paying to snipe either.
I don’t understand what the big deal about sniping is. You cannot lose an auction because of a sniper. Period, end of story. You can only lose an auction because you were outbid. It doesn’t matter if I put in my bid 10 seconds after the auction was posted or 1 second before the end, if I wanted the item more than anyone else then I will win, and the snipers can pound sand. Your bid is not high enough if a sniper beats you. It has nothing to do with the sniper bid coming in at the last minute. The sniper puts a limit on how much he is willing to bid and if he beats you then it was more than your maximum bid. I have lost plenty of auctions when I was the sniper and my bid was the last one entered. I lost because the maximum bid that was already posted was higher than what I put in. I didn’t know if I would win or not, I was only bidding what I was willing to pay. If there is something I can’t live without, then I will bid a huge amount for it, whatever the theoretical limit is to its value to me, but I know the chances of me paying that much are very slim unless there is another geek out there similarly afflicted. I will only end up paying one small increment higher than the second highest bid, no matter what I bid.
For example, if S38, the guy who was bidding on Chris’s parts, only thought they were worth $1500 bucks then he got outbid, fair and square. But lets say that he would have been willing to pay $2000 and he had bid that much. The auction would have still only shown his bid as $1500 until the snipers bid came in. If the sniper had only bid $1750 then the sniper would have lost and S38 would have got the parts for $1775. If the sniper had bid any amount higher than $2025 then the sniper would have won the parts for $2025. The practice of sniping has no impact on the results of the auction if this case. S38 lost the auction because he didn’t want to pay enough, or he did not understand eBay well enough to use a proper buying strategy.
Sniping is really a limited tool, it only helps avoid silly price escalations by eBay amateurs. And maybe it provides a slight entertainment factor to the auctions. Lame as it may be, I snipe even when there is likely to be no competition for an item, it is just the way I like to bid. I won’t ever pay for a sniping service and I am usually near enough to a computer to make the final bid. If I am not, I make sure my only bid is my final one and take my chances.