There were no sensors to be found from either of the 2 b35s. Since I have the b35 wheel, will a sensor from an m20 work? Or are both the wheel and sensor different?
Oh and this would be for my MS1 setup
I picked up a b35 60-2 wheel at the p&p, but no sensor
Can MS I use a digital output hall effect sensor? If so you can use a Honeywell 1GT101DC. They're about $25. Standard BMW sensors are analog output. Digital output are more precise. I don't know if MS will read it . I came across it while doing research for my Haltech. The Haltech doesn't much care for the analog signal.
Not suggesting you need to go this route I was just kind of curious myself and thought I would share a little info as well.
Not suggesting you need to go this route I was just kind of curious myself and thought I would share a little info as well.
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Re: I picked up a b35 60-2 wheel at the p&p, but no sens
Yes it should work fine.bimmerboy wrote:There were no sensors to be found from either of the 2 b35s. Since I have the b35 wheel, will a sensor from an m20 work? Or are both the wheel and sensor different?
Oh and this would be for my MS1 setup
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I've never tried it. As long as it can handle the frequency, it should work fine. Some are cam sensors and may not handle 60 teeth at 6000 rpm.landspeed wrote:So, what about the digital sensor? I will be converting to megasquirt soon and am curious.
If you use the VR input, you'll probably need a pullup resistor to +12V to make it work. Similar to hall distributors (read MS1 Extra manual)