Hey guys, I'm looking to have a gathering in celebration of my acception to the BMW S.T.E.P. program. It is a HUGE accomplishment for me considering less than 1% of Wyotech graduates get this chance, So I figure now is as good a time as any to have a gathering & chat over some BBQ & Beers, as well as do a little wrenching, maybe even driving.. There is PLENTY of parking, & a few spaces for wrenching if needed.
In for sure:
Balticblau aka James..
Dave C.
Russ C.
Rylee aka Ryan..
CaliforniaDreamin aka Bill..
Thesixerkid aka George..
Post a reply if you are in for sure.. & PM me for the address & number..
Bob is SJ?
BoardSportsRule aka andy?
Craig in davis?
Eric Q?
Bimmerguy2002 aka Matt?
Mike C.?
Mike W.?
Mark W.?
EVERYONE IS WELCOME, as long as you own & drive a E28, E24, or 2002..
Last edited by Manny D. on May 07, 2009 1:50 AM, edited 10 times in total.
bwardlow wrote:Congratulations on your acceptance and good luck. I am jealous!
Thanks.. It was hard getting in & its going to be even harder to learn everything BMW in 6-7 months & coming out a BMW master tech.. The stack of books is as tall as me..
ElGuappo wrote:Which highly modified 535 of his? You have to be more specific....
And whast with leaving the Jay3 off the list? The Jay3 feels slighted....
Something turbo..
I was just going to add you to the list & thought I had edited it with your name.. I was trying to remember all the names but some slipped by, So I threw in the Everyone is welcome thing.. You are more than welcome, beers wouldnt be the same without jay3
The first weekend in May is Bimmerfest, so that's no good.
So how's the second or third weekend?
Although that is getting close to 5erfest so all us Norcal guys need time to get ready for the trip, right!
may be in alameda in mid may, i'd love to come by and say hi....a bit young, and my cars needs some loving($$$$$$), but still, it'd be fun to see something to aspire to..give us a date and lets make it happen.
boardsportsrule wrote:may be in alameda in mid may, i'd love to come by and say hi....a bit young, and my cars needs some loving($$$$$$), but still, it'd be fun to see something to aspire to..give us a date and lets make it happen.
I am younger as well & my cars also need some loving $$$/attentionso we are in the same boat.. Hope to see you drop by..
Manny - I'm in... I got some parts to swap/sell/trade, maybe other can bring their extra stuff too....I need a few things.....I'll bring Filet Mignons, and maybe some shrimps -for the Barbie!
rylee wrote:Manny - I'm in... I got some parts to swap/sell/trade, maybe other can bring their extra stuff too....I need a few things.....I'll bring Filet Mignons, and maybe some shrimps -for the Barbie!
Cool.. I'll have a tri-tip, Probably some ribs & some burger.. Others are welcome to bring stuff as well.. Drinks? Snacks?
I'll have a big table out & I think I'll have enough chairs for everyone..