WTB - E34 Touring (Got one 01-22-2011)

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Post by mooseheadm5 »

1st 5er wrote: This is what I've used, but your link would be a good addition as well.
If the frame is twisted and you can't get it straight, you need to disconnect the cables from the recline and use a drill to run the seat so the left and right seat back frames are at the same spot and not all twisted up. Then, you need to shorten the cable housing:


1) remove the cable from the housing
2) remove the white (or whatever) bushing and throw it away. It could be disintegrated or it could have turned to goo.
3) heat the ferrule for 10 seconds with a lighter
4) push it until the end of the inner cable is flush with the end of the ferrule opening

This shortens the cable approximately 1cm. You only need to do it on one end of each of the recline cables.
This is easier than pulling the ferrule and cutting the housing.
I've tried running them all the way to recline, but for some reason it doesn't necessarily leave the seat as even as you'd like. I do it by eye.
1st 5er
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Post by 1st 5er »

Sarc wrote:One of my favorites:


mooseheadm5 wrote:This is easier than pulling the ferrule and cutting the housing.
I think your right.
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