carnutdallas wrote:
Ron, I am the first to admit I am a math moron, but common sense I have plenty of. To go 300k in the Prius, you will have to buy 3 battery packs at 100K, 200K and 300K (300k is optional) so at least 2 packs for sure. That is an average of $3500 plus install at a dealer. So the "simple" math, is it will cost more when you include the up-front initial cost of the Prius . My quick google search for pricing was $26k on Jetta TDI and $33k on Prius with similar options. Jetta gets 42MPG on HWY, so please check the numbers for me again. Seriously I can not do math :oops:
That may not be a valid assumption. A friend of mine just bought a first-gen Honda Insight for under $2500 bucks. It's nearing 200k miles on the original battery packs, and they're just now dying. The current-gen Prius has better battery tech than the early Insight/Prius did, so 100k battery intervals is absolutely NOT a given.
Similarly, when you look at long-term expense, you have to do both cars. The Jetta will probably need HPFP replacement. That's $3000 out of warranty. DI engines are having longevity issues, so there may be injector or other issues down the road that are not insignificant.
PLUS...Hybrids and full electrics are bad ways to build cars at this point. They are way to expensive and only done as a marketing ploy (and a way to improve the CAFE numbers for a manufacturer). We should be focusing our efforts on more fossil fuel efficient cars and use the materials readily available to us that burn easily and provide a high BTU energy source for locomotion.
By that rationale, BMW should never build an M5 because it's a marketing ploy. Early adoption isn't for everyone, but it's unfair to say it's a "bad way to build cars." Given the numbers of Priuses on the road, they are clearly working for some consumers, even if the TCO is higher. If it's what they want to spend money on, why shouldn't they?
At this point only one or two cities, maybe 3 tops in the US, has a true electric market where huge sectors of the population have very little use for a car that has to drive over 40 miles a day. Top Gear did a great show on full electrics and their limitations. Funny stuff. The Jetta blows the hybrid away on all levels from cost of ownership, available power and driving range. Plus you do not have to own two cars in the case of the all electric. The Hybrid bridges the gap well for a city owner who needs to go more than 40 miles a day, but the Jetta for comparison is still a better buy financially - at current fuel prices. If fuel went to 5, 6 or $7 dollars, then the hybrid and pure electrics become way, better deals - baring a huge inflationary purchase price.
You're mixing up a couple of arguments here. Yes, full electric has huge limitations that hybrids and conventional fuels avoid. But again, for many people they are viable, and more choice is good.
I am a firm believer in the electric car if it can go 300 miles plus and be recharged in an hour - TOPS! That day may be coming and then we may have a real challenge for fossil fuels. I am also all for people having a choice and driving whatever they want. I am not for government mandates about cars or ethanol (another story) and a lack of oil drilling that handicaps the USA.
I don't know why you think a lack of drilling is handicapping the US. The total oil extraction over 20 years wouldn't amount to more than a couple % of what we use. It's high-risk and low-reward.
Hybrid owners are seriously misinformed of their environmental superiority. I am pretty sure most of the reports and news about the environment are misleading and self serving for those in the global warming camp, where Hybrids originally sprang from. The science is flawed. The world will outlast all of us and many, many of those after us. I am 100% sure the fear in 1975 or 1976 was a coming ice age. May have to do a Lexus-Nexus search for Time, Newsweek, LIFE and the New York Times. Plastered on the covers - WORLD is COOLING!!!
Now you've stopped making any sense. Using less energy is a good thing no matter what.
I do not a have all the answers. I am not opposed to those searching, studying and creating new technologies. Great innovation comes from those that think outside the box and drive new ways of thinking. BUT as a car lover, builder, restorer, technician, service writer and driver - I am seriously opposed to politically incited and misled Hybrid proliferating green community who wants to destroy my right to drive what ever I want. To spend what ever money I want to and burn gas or diesel at whatever rate I can afford to support!!!!
So you're for YOUR freedom to burn gas, but not for others' freedom to do differently? Nice double standard.