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Posted: Jan 09, 2013 7:02 PM
by a
ldsbeaker wrote:We're moving our work centers around. Here's one piece of HE I wouldn't mind screwing around with...
p.s. I'm 6'4"/250. This bitch is BIG.
Does that rig pick up a container and put it on a trailer?
Posted: Jan 09, 2013 9:07 PM
by ldsbeaker
a wrote:ldsbeaker wrote:We're moving our work centers around. Here's one piece of HE I wouldn't mind screwing around with...
p.s. I'm 6'4"/250. This bitch is BIG.
Does that rig pick up a container and put it on a trailer?
Yes, that is a rather crude way to use it. Where this thing REALLY shines is more minute movements, like when we're trying to match up holes on our containers to make a complex.
Okay Wayne, i'll put my "toy" away...
Posted: Jan 09, 2013 9:11 PM
by davintosh
tsmall07 wrote:That was some of the best trombone playing I've ever seen. All of them were really good.
Jeremy wrote: the "baptism" was easily one of the more disgusting things I've seen done in music, lol.
Glad you guys enjoyed it. European humor is... a bit, um, different I guess.
I've been listening to some of their other songs throughout the day, and they are consistently good, and funny. Here's one with introductions...
In German with English subtitles.
Posted: Jan 10, 2013 4:01 PM
by ldsbeaker
In case you don't recognize your favorite fast food color schemes, this is Taco Bell. (Not judging...)
That is a handicapped spot.
I don't know which is more disturbing.
Posted: Jan 10, 2013 4:35 PM
by WilNJ
ldsbeaker wrote:
In case you don't recognize your favorite fast food color schemes, this is Taco Bell. (Not judging...)
That is a handicapped spot.
I don't know which is more disturbing.
I'll have to try to snap a pic of the mother daughter team in town on their matching Rascal Scooters which I've only seen them use to get to the convenience store for smokes and lottery tickets.
Sadly, I think the daughter may actually need it, Mom's may just not like walking.
Posted: Jan 10, 2013 9:03 PM
by BDK
Posted: Jan 10, 2013 10:19 PM
by ldsbeaker
Is that Myrtle Beach?
Posted: Jan 11, 2013 10:55 AM
by Shadow01
Made it to round 29 on Zombies 5 with 2 players
Posted: Jan 11, 2013 12:27 PM
by ldsbeaker
Headed west to sandy eggo/pendleton. Snow on roads.
THAT was fun...
It was pretty dang slick. Out hybrid fusion govie didn't know what to do.
Posted: Jan 11, 2013 1:04 PM
by redunzo
No waiting in aisle three.
Posted: Jan 11, 2013 1:16 PM
by BimmerSultan
redunzo wrote:No waiting in aisle three.
But there is a cleanup needed on aisle 4...
Posted: Jan 11, 2013 5:20 PM
by Brian in TN
Posted: Jan 11, 2013 7:06 PM
by waynet1
Sometimes all we need is a little confidence boost.
This is a story of a young boy….of a great young man. ... 6Alt2DssYc
Life throws you what it throws you, and you never know what’s coming, but the greats take it and continue on. Let’s all take an example from Matt W., a young boy with who chooses to run a 400mm race with his fellow classmates at Ohio’s Colonial Hills Elementary School despite having Spastic Cerebral Palsy, a debilitating condition that limits his ability to undergo rigorous physical exercise of any kind.
Posted: Jan 11, 2013 8:27 PM
by oldskool
Flank steak with spinach and feta rolled and tied loosely . . . Check.
Time for the garage, for she has missed me, the absent lover.
Outside, my only companions are Monte Cristo and Pepe Romero.
I don't really like the cigar tonight, but this guitar is kicking my ass right about . . .NOW!
Posted: Jan 12, 2013 5:25 PM
by Mike W.
Lets see, it's 2PM and I've got my 5 hours of driving in for the day.
Went over to see the grandson play tournament baseball (little league age) but someone had overwatered the field, it was all mud so they didn't play. After watching them practice a bit we turned around and drove home the 2.5 hours. Oh well, on the scale of bad stuff, not that bad. A little inconvenient, but no biggie.
Posted: Jan 12, 2013 10:35 PM
by mbertoli
in recent weeks and months, i seem to be suffering from an emerging lactose intolerance.
but some days, when i've got nothing on the agenda, i grab a 0.5L carton of chocolate milk, and down it.
i then talk some smack:
'body, i've got no where else to be for the next 2 to 4 hours, and half a liter of milk in me. do your worst.'
Posted: Jan 13, 2013 12:23 AM
by Brian in TN
mbertoli wrote:in recent weeks and months, i seem to be suffering from an emerging lactose intolerance.
but some days, when i've got nothing on the agenda, i grab a 0.5L carton of chocolate milk, and down it.
i then smack-talk myself:
'body, i've got no where else to be for the next 2 to 4 hours, and half a liter of milk in me. do your worst.'
Canadiens need more guns. A lactose skeet comp would be funny but no points scored.
Posted: Jan 13, 2013 10:35 AM
by a
The NP who found the lump thus sparing me of stage IV BC , because I would have ignored it until then. Tells me I have to diet and exercise myself down to below 200lbs or grow 5 inches to prevent dying of clogged arteries. Meantime, raise good cholesterol, by eating krill oil . Yah sure. Me and the blue whales. I also reluctantly decided to fulfill my promise to the Princess and try yet again to stop smoking tobacco. My third round with Chantix. I dont smoke, but the pills have me hooked. At least I can breathe better
Posted: Jan 13, 2013 11:02 AM
by ldsbeaker
On duty.
ix decided that it didn't want to turn over after I had gotten to work. Nice. Pushed it about halfway down the flightline, then hopped in and tried it again. Success!
Weird, though...
Wonder if the alternator is just about toast, or maybe just the belt that I hear slipping.
Posted: Jan 21, 2013 1:47 PM
by unt0uchable
How many times do you find yourself mentally kicking yourself so selling that car you loved so much?
Posted: Jan 21, 2013 1:55 PM
by 1st 5er
unt0uchable wrote:How many times do you find yourself mentally kicking yourself so selling that car you loved so much?
Got close to feeling like selling one of mine yesterday.
Posted: Jan 21, 2013 5:09 PM
by davintosh
It's cold today. Temp was at about -8°F this morning, but no wind. When I woke up the youngest for school, his first question was whether the wind chill was at -30°, which is the point where the school district cancels classes.
No dice; calm winds, no wind chill factor. Caleb was not pleased.
8th grade problems.
Posted: Jan 24, 2013 5:41 PM
by oldskool
I know I can't be the only one who purposely parks in the space close to the Redbox and Blockbuster disc rental machines just to ogle young women's asses.
Posted: Jan 24, 2013 11:08 PM
by 1st 5er
I pick up movies too.
Posted: Jan 25, 2013 11:16 AM
by davintosh
Some friends of ours spent the morning in same-day surgery; she's had trouble with knee pain for a long time, which was recently diagnosed as a free-floating mass. This is what came out.
The doc told her, "You have the honor of having the largest loose body that I have ever seen, and I have been doing this a long time!" I suggested to Brian that it would be a cool trinket to hang on a piece of jewelry.
Posted: Jan 25, 2013 12:07 PM
by 1st 5er
That is crazy. How the heck did that get in there?
Posted: Jan 25, 2013 10:27 PM
by ldsbeaker
Speaking of knee pain...
Got a call tonight.
"Hey, how's it going... Yaddayaddayadda...
Do you want to run the half marathon tomorrow?"
*stunned silence*
"Uh sure, I'm not even close to prepared, but I'll do it, sure."
So, for tomorrow, I'm Molly and 28 years old. At least we both have blue eyes and blonde hair...
Posted: Jan 26, 2013 2:53 PM
by ldsbeaker
ldsbeaker wrote:Speaking of knee pain...
Got a call tonight.
"Hey, how's it going... Yaddayaddayadda...
Do you want to run the half marathon tomorrow?"
*stunned silence*
"Uh sure, I'm not even close to prepared, but I'll do it, sure."
So, for tomorrow, I'm Molly and 28 years old. At least we both have blue eyes and blonde hair...
Kind of a small race. So small in fact that they check your number as your coming down the chute and then announce your name as you finish.
"Great job, Molly!! ... And her helper..."
I ran every step of 10 miles, then walked most of the last 3. Ugh. It almost seemed like I was going faster when walking.
Slooooooooow, but not bad for zero specific training. At least i have a benchmark for next year. I want to take at least an hour off that.
Posted: Jan 27, 2013 6:44 PM
by davintosh
We shuffled the two remaining boys' bedroom arrangements around after Ian headed off for boot camp, and yesterday ripped the carpet & trim out of the emptied room preparing for painting & new wood flooring. The room's original linoleum tile flooring was under the carpet (circa 1948; classy stuff!) and when I pulled the trim off of one wall I found this little gem hiding under it.
It's slightly smaller than a dime; when I first looked at the obverse side, the speck on the E made it look like an F. "ONE FARF. What the heck is a farf?"
I'll make an appointment with my optometrist tomorrow.
Posted: Jan 27, 2013 7:05 PM
by a
That token looks like silver. In really old houses, coins were set under the corner posts for good luck