Totally wrong?davintosh wrote:Good to hear that; posted that same pic on FB and a friend who has been through treatment for esophageal cancer started ranting about how carbs & sugar feed cancers... totally wrong according to my oncologist.a wrote:Very happy I had finished the coffee before reading. Yah , Dave, during chemo , it is a see food diet
Research into sugar and cancer cells continues...
Sugar and Proteins Keep Cancer Cells Alive.
It's been said that cancer cells are immortal – they don't die off in an orderly way like healthy cells do. Scientists have studied this effect and may have discovered what tumor cells do to avoid cell death. In laboratory research at Duke University, cancer cells appear to use a combination of sugar and specific proteins to keep growing when they should die. These cancer cells appear to use sugar at a high rate, in order to ignore cellular instructions to die off. So might sugar – which appears to make cancer cells stronger – someday turn out to be cancer's Achilles' Heel?
Developing New Sugar-Coated Cancer Drugs.
At Johns Hopkins University, a group of researchers looked at ways to fool cancer cells into growing more slowly and then eventually killing themselves. They studied abnormal glycosylation - how cancer cells put sugar and proteins together to sustain themselves. When these cells were given n-butyrate (a salt) with carbohydrates (contains sugar), cell proliferation slowed down. In order to feed the cancer a death-dealing drug, they produced a hybrid molecule made of a simple sugar and n-butyrate. Because the cancer cells absorbed the sugar readily, they soaked up this new molecule, which interfered with their ability to keep growing, and they died. ... r_myth.htm