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Posted: Oct 20, 2013 10:02 PM
by Pavel
Greg E34 wrote: I was right below the heater. And there was no need to use it anyway.

Thanks for putting me up last night!
That's what I meant. I think I had too much beer, again... at least it's not sangria.

I am sure ldsbeaker can pitch in on the room temperature!

And for nothing! :)

We would have even let the air out of the mattress for you.
davintosh wrote: You got any scary numbers to go with those purty colors? :D
Ask a certain E30 turbo driver. ;)

Posted: Oct 21, 2013 12:18 AM
by 1st 5er
My new GPS has a new number.

Just for funs, here's where you can watch Jacqueline as she heads for home this morning.

Posted: Oct 21, 2013 1:37 AM
by Nebraska_e28
We just got in after a 15hr uneventful drive. Thanks everyone!

Posted: Oct 21, 2013 2:01 AM
by trmcatee
Yes this was by far the best trip I have ever been on, thank you to everyone. It was great meeting everyone!

Posted: Oct 21, 2013 2:28 AM
by djazz
Dave, 15x9=red and got another 15 on the way home.

NE guys, Glad you're home safe.

Posted: Oct 21, 2013 8:30 AM
by nbristow01
Greg E34 wrote:
nbristow01 wrote:djazz, I had my 1974 2002 driving at full max with that front group. Hardest I have ever pushed it and I have to say I was a bit impressed with her....Next year I am riding with the back pack....I blew a front strut on that last run and it was a bit scary to say the least
Nick, it was great to meet you. Don't think that the back of the pack was any slower. I was next to last, trying like hell to keep up with LJ! Pretty certain I hit the highest speed I've ever logged in my E34. Ever.
Yikes..I guess I need to get an M5! I don't know if you guys have ever driven an 02 over 100mph. All I can say is HOOVERCRAFT!! Your E28s looked rock solid at speed

Posted: Oct 21, 2013 9:09 AM
by nik77356
Many old faces (Sherman) and so many new ones. It was great meeting everyone. It was a fantastic weekend. Those three bottles of sangria we all finished Friday night did me in for most of Saturday morning though. You '02 guys were awesome! So good to see those even older cars hanging with the E28's!

As far as speeds, I do distinctly remember being at triple digit speeds and then promptly being passed like I was sitting still by that certain turbo E30 driver. :bawl:

Posted: Oct 21, 2013 9:16 AM
by mooseheadm5
Did you just call Sherman old?

Posted: Oct 21, 2013 9:38 AM
by nik77356
Making fun of Our Fearless Leader? Never!

Posted: Oct 21, 2013 10:27 AM
by 1st 5er
:thanks: to our sponsors. Image

The Event Brochure:


Posted: Oct 21, 2013 10:32 AM
by 1st 5er
... and to everyone who made it out, :haul: .

A special Thank You to Troy for replacing the ///M50iT's upper hose when it blew. :beer:

It really was a :cool: weekend, in every way.

Posted: Oct 21, 2013 2:07 PM
by ldsbeaker
THANK YOU!! For the invite and event. (Along with all the other people that made it possible)

I needed a swoop to tide me over until i get back from my business trip, and this fit the bill perfectly.

Friday, I had a great run to Texas. I was hoping to have a time closer to 12 hours, but reality set in right around El Paso. Weather was perfect, car did great. I think i had a tail wind after my first gas stop, the gas needle just didn't move! There was a little rain in the final hour running to Leakey. Got in (stopped the watch at 12:58, not bad for 1050 miles) and said hello around and then found some food before they rolled the streets up. I had dinner with the Nebraska crew at a mom and pop joint where everyone was really cordial. I love small towns. (IIRC, Leakey, pop. 452) Came back and BS'd then found my rack and made friends.

Saturday, woke up at 7:30, cleaned up and outside in the 50 degree weather for the run to breakfast. It was early, people had imbibed recreational beverages the night before, so I thought we'd have a relaxed drive in. NOPE. i guess that's one way to wake up... We had a nice loud breakfast. One of the waitresses got frisky with the crowd and stood her ground asking and confirming that someone wanted to be treated like a local?? Awkward silence. I sat at the "big" table next to the elk. No one below 6'3", please... ;)
Now, somehow we had gotten talking about radar detectors and i had Karen's V1 running below my escort. I ran it before breakfast (no pings) and then we forgot to get it back in the 6er. We peeled off in a group of 5 from the big group. Me, Karen and Clint in the M635CSi, Travis in e28, and Ed and Nick in '02s. Nice tame group. Long sweepers favor the big cars, tight and twisty go to the '02s. We make our way back towards leakey and i ended up in the rear with the protection. We were almost back and the detector goes off. I look forward and the group is getting ready to overtake a slower car. "Nonononono!!" , and just as Karen is completing her pass, the truck lights her up. Sneaky bastard. We meet her down the road and she looks shellshocked. Really crappy luck. We screw around a little more, then hit up a BBQ joint for lunch. Smelled really good, but I was still stuffed from breakfast. Sherman suggests that i take off first for the Sisters Run since I have a radar detector and no ticket. Fine. So i get the 5 from our group and figure i'll get a pretty good lead and clear the roads for everyone. Fine. Then I look in the rear view and EVERYONE is back there. Shit man. There were some really great, FAST cars, and i figured i'd have to drive super hard, but i would bite the bullet. Sherman wouldn't set me up, would he? (Sigh)
Man, if I would have known that everyone was gonna follow, i would have waited and just kept a group in the back. Or run last.

But i'm getting ahead of myself. We get on the the Three Sisters proper and after about the third turn, a deer decides that it's time to cross, right in front of me. I stab the brakes and leave 4 beautiful black streaks on the pavement, and a huge plume of blue smoke for the caravan to punch through. Whew. It was pretty close. I take a breath, the tires feel okay, and I push on.

We go for about 20 minutes and the sharks come out to play. Pretty demotivating, but that's what i get for not completing the project... I got a few new stone chips, and was part of a NASCAR style three wide pass. I saw it forming in the rearview and it just couldn't be over fast enough. I got off lucky, i didn't catch a stone in the temple like Pavel...
Great roads! Terrific! (wrong car, dammit...)

We get back and I jaw at Sherman a bit about setting me up. Then I ask Nick (red '02) if I can give his car a run. Built M10, 5 speed, H&Rs over Billies, big sways and brakes and 15" wheels. Great car and so much fun. I do a mini loop (only ONE hour...) all by myself and have a blast. The car really rips. I get the frustration out and feel much better. Got back just in time for dinner and raffle. I believe the hotel staff fed us? It was great. I totally cleaned up at the raffle; an e30 power steering delete, ladies BMW shirt, and $50 Blunt bucks (can't wait to put that up in the garage, very clever!) Stayed up a little while around the fire with friends then called it a night. What a great event!

I was able to match my previous effort for the return trip (1050 miles: 12:56). Amazing. Especially considering the one "rest" day. I slept in a little on sunday, so i didn't leave till 9am. I had exactly 13 hours to get home and beat the gate locking at storage. (8pm) Six minutes to spare, but that last few hours i had to push hard.

As far as the three sisters; I SHALL RETURN!!

Nick (red '02), thank you so much for letting me drive your car. That was a blast, and was exactly the thing i needed to tip me towards turning my '69 into a backroad bomber. So raw and responsive!

To the deer of texas hill country: EFF YOU!! I cannot believe how much smoke can come from four tires with the slightest non-ABS assisted panic brake.

It was terrific to see old friends, make new ones, find new twisties and get my swoop on. You should put Texfest on your list if you're within a reasonable distance.

Posted: Oct 21, 2013 3:24 PM

Hit me up with any videos or pics as well. I'm another who doesn't Facebook, so just shoot me an email.

Thanks again to EVERYONE who made this event happen. Me and my '02 will definitely be back to the Twisted Sisters again. I've already sorted out some jetting issues and it's running even better. Zounds, what a sound!

Posted: Oct 21, 2013 5:07 PM
by 1st 5er
Something for everyone, including an Ice Chest Autocross event.

Posted: Oct 21, 2013 5:10 PM
by 1st 5er
Pavel shared this link on the FB group page. ... 81_27_36_1

Posted: Oct 21, 2013 6:42 PM
by nik77356
Everyone better have their coolers prepared for next year! The competition is going to be intense!

Posted: Oct 21, 2013 11:19 PM
by 1st 5er

Posted: Oct 21, 2013 11:24 PM
by Pavel
ldsbeaker wrote: Saturday, woke up at 7:30, cleaned up and outside in the 50 degree weather for the run to breakfast. It was early, people had imbibed recreational beverages the night before, so I thought we'd have a relaxed drive in. NOPE.
My favorite quote! :laugh:

Last year, we got much more hammered Friday night. Some people used the hotel key to unlock their E28s... i had such a terrible headache and I won the rally. Magic.

But it was good this time, thanks to the sangria. Headache was light and I took a stone to the head to alleviate the pain.

To everybody that has texted me and asked me for pictures/videos. I am making something special, hopefully I can pull it off nicely. Give me a few days, work is getting in the way. To those not on facebook, I will follow up on email/PM. All materials will be unlisted so only people with links can see them.

Posted: Oct 22, 2013 12:01 AM
by Nebraska_e28
On my way home I was paying to exit the Kansas Turnpike. After handing money to the clerk, she politely handed it back & politely said she couldn't accept my $5 bill. Upon further inspection it was the one with a certain characters face & the words NO VALUE to the right of it. :shock: I sunk deep into my e21 sport seat seeking some type of shelter as i handed her legitimate fundage & hightailed it across state lines! :facepalm: :haul:

Posted: Oct 22, 2013 12:03 AM
by Pavel
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

It was bound to happen. I am glad the author's name is unknown or I would be adding my attorney at law on speed dial.

Posted: Oct 22, 2013 12:37 AM
by bimmerman78

Man, I really hate that I couldnt make it this year. AND I missed out on TWO '02s.

I especially would've like to have been a fly on the wall just to hear a certain conversation. Apparently this sangria everyone is talking about, partnered up with my brother Todd and good friend Saynay, and (without anyone telling me) my E21 was SOLD!

My fellow bimmernuts, Sorry I couldnt be with you this year. I sit at home nursing a broken rib. All. I can say is I wish I could've bee there to see the familiar faces, and meet the new ones.

Keep those pics coming! See ya next year.

Sherman, I would like to get a few shirts, if there are any left.


Posted: Oct 22, 2013 3:27 AM
by strokez
Sherman and all who helped put this together....what can I say - my third run on this wonderful trip and every year gets better and better. You all out did yourselves once again!

Kinda felt the outcast with the 135i this year, but was really happy to put the car through its paces and see how she did. Rest assured I will redeem myself in a few weeks when I take the tii on a similar drive.

Pavel - sorry to get you stoned, but trust me it was the car not me!

Loved all the beautiful cars and great people - - - oh any my fav quote of Saturday - young boy asks "how long are you going to drink" Me - "til I can no longer see". Didn't quite work out that way but hey gave it the old college try.

Looking forward to next year!

Posted: Oct 22, 2013 10:36 AM
by djazz
Great meeting you and I enjoyed seeing the 135i close up.

I think there were a quite a few rocks kicked up but don't feel guilty. They just repaved several sections in the spring. I noticed a chunk missing from my tow hook cover on the way home.

Geordi, Glad to meet you and Ramona. We didn't make it over to Odessa, sorry.

Nick, the 2002s were beautiful. I'm really glad y'all made it.

Pavel, I'd love to see the private release too. I have ~1.5 hours of Torque video on my phone I need to figure out what to do with. Any advice? Several sections should not be made public.

I was surprised no one bagged a deer or a bicyclist though I think some were asking for it!

Rob, I have your package but had to make a detour to Lubbock for family business. We'll be back in town later today.

Sherman, All you Houston folks are great and I'm really glad I finally made it to TexFest. You put on a helluva show.

Everyone else, it was a great time hanging out with you all. I hope to do it again next year.


Posted: Oct 22, 2013 5:57 PM
by trmcatee
1st 5er wrote:... and to everyone who made it out, :haul: .

A special Thank You to Troy for replacing the ///M50iT's upper hose when it blew. :beer:

It really was a :cool: weekend, in every way.
It was a great pleasure to be a part of this event, thank YOU Sherman! I was happy to have a spare hose, knew that it might come in handy.

Posted: Oct 22, 2013 8:49 PM
by dolomiti
I had a great time, getting to drive this beast about 800 miles, most of it on rural Texas farm roads at 150-160km/h.





It was good to see Adam and Greg again (especially since they brought me some goodies for the e34). Also got to perform and administer some SFSTs with a bona fide LEO while certainly intoxicated on Friday evening at the pavilion.

Thanks to all the local guys (Sherman/Pavel) who did all the hard work to get this thing together.

Posted: Oct 22, 2013 9:19 PM
by bimmerman78
Damn Clinton, that is a GREAT looking car.

Good pics brotha


Posted: Oct 22, 2013 9:20 PM
by dolomiti
bimmerman78 wrote:Damn Clinton, that is a GREAT looking car.

Good pics brotha

thanks. did you notice that it's my girl's car that's well sorted, while mine are all in states of disrepair?

too bad you couldn't make it this year.

Posted: Oct 22, 2013 10:14 PM
by bimmerman78
dolomiti wrote:
thanks. did you notice that it's my girl's car that's well sorted?...
Now we know who the COOL one is. :lol:

Posted: Oct 22, 2013 10:36 PM
by nik77356
dolomiti wrote:Also got to perform and administer some SFSTs with a bona fide LEO while certainly intoxicated on Friday evening at the pavilion.
I have to say, that was quite the show!

Posted: Oct 22, 2013 10:47 PM
by 1st 5er
nik77356 wrote:
dolomiti wrote:Also got to perform and administer some SFSTs with a bona fide LEO while certainly intoxicated on Friday evening at the pavilion.
I have to say, that was quite the show!


No video?!?