Yes ignition timing is everything. Mainly what your paying for in any tune is the ignition map.
BMW or BOSCH cut it pretty hard in that area on the stock euro DME looking at the .bin I have.
Yes ignition timing is everything. Mainly what your paying for in any tune is the ignition map.
Props to you! Learn me your ways on fun time management.LeiseyJr wrote: Jan 25, 2022 2:52 PM School has been hectic. But still making progress there. Have a full time job at NOV and I moved out with my girlfriend.
LeiseyJr wrote: Jun 15, 2022 9:58 AM This'll be a long one... March --> June.
Untitled by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
It is really hard to update this build thread after so many months. I should do it bi weekly.
Still in school struggling ass of and stressed as usual.
March by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
Learned how to align car with strings, already done a couple friends car now.
Untitled by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
Untitled by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
Car got bump drafted by a friends Jetta in the parking garage
Untitled by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
Untitled by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
We got it straighter but time to pull out the spare from behind my house.
Untitled by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
Untitled by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
Had to make it presentable
Bumper by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
Bumper by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
Bumper by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
Old bracket setup
Bumper by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
New bracket setup
Bumper by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
Very happy with how it came out
Bumper by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
Then it was time to do something about the front bumper. So made the best set of two and cleaned/polished everything.
Untitled by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
Untitled by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
I was happy with how it came out
Untitled by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
Car repaid be back
Untitled by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
Untitled by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
Untitled by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
The TLDR of all that is my oil cooler setup is really janky. Leading to it pushing ac condensor into radiator. It's all deleted and good now, but that's why that happened. One day I will redo the oil cooler not like a fucking monkey.
Got these because I needed matching seats
March by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
March by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
Untitled by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
Untitled by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on FlickrUntitled by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
Untitled by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
I actually made it to Instructor with PCA, which is a big thing. There were some who didnt make it that weekend we did the school. The driver recaro is at an upholstery shop. I was redoing it so Id have a brown cloth passenger seat. So far they have made ZERO progress on that but as you'll see reading haven't had time to worry about that. However in July I will need to just cut losses and pick it back up.
At some point went to Radwood
Untitled by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
Car did another event, this time on the RRs. Made a new PB of 1:51.9. Still two seconds away from my goal of 1:49.9. Glad to finally break the 53s. A lot of people are doubtful of it getting there, they think I'm wheeling it pretty good. Hopefully weather, setup or a line change can deliver that extra 2 seconds. Here is some footage I have following buddies Z3M that day.
The oiling issue is REALLY bad on these tires. So my dad fixed that, we copied something that I found online. He did a fantastic job. Basically the oil will hit the baffle and drain out the holes instead of being ingested. If you don't know what I am talking about, here is a link.
This baffle gets JB welded to the plate in the VC.
Yeah by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
Yeah by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
Then junkyarding happened got some great parts off this 1982 eta.
-Lowish mile steering box
- good used original draglink
- piece of trunk carpet never seen before (crazy how many weird '82 things there are)
-spare heater valve that says made in germany
-VERY healthy fan clutch
-good used hoodpad
Bumper by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
Yeah by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
Bumper by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
Yeah by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
The hoodpad was a whole debacle. My friend needed the hood, and we came in my e46 so we made it happen.
Untitled by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
Untitled by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
Wanted to verify clearance for the 535i throttle cables and all that since this is 528e hood pad. Looks good!
Untitled by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
Untitled by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
I am going to Atlanta in less than two days as of writing this to drive with Jayjaya29 at Road Atlanta. I got a chance to do a test day on the third. It did another 1:51.9 on my first hot lap!!!!!
It then however decided to have a super sick intermittent electrically issue. Car was killing spark mostly at idle when hot randomly. Could not replicate the issue by wiggling anything, hoping curbs etc. That day I swapped, reference sensors, coil, main relay and ecu.
Later I swapped the entire engine harness and it still didn't do shit. It ended up being the fucking AFM. I didn't want to admit that one was bad becuase that afm spring setting were really good. Luckily I have a spare so what is in car right now and all is well. Also deleted the OBC relay and burned Miller tune to 24 pin chip so I can go back to using my reman ecu. Rule out those failure points as well.
My friend has been working hard to make the AC right on his volvo. The legend bought a 30lb tank of R12 for his Volvo. I was a bad influence on that one. Luckily after we did a parallel flow condensor, aux fan, and he sourced a parallel flow evap for in the car. It is cooling VERY well with R12.
Yeah by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
With my upcoming 13 hour drive to Road Atlanta, I figured it was time to stop being a bitch and fix my AC. So in 5 hours had the box in and out, and that was with driving around doing errands and all that. Sherman gave me a known good airbox from his wifes old car that was scrapped due to rust. I knew that car had good airflow out the vents, mine did not. Blower is worn out and evap is clogged. My plan was to rebuild this one, but sometimes don't get it right. Just get it working. Car had airduster in it right now as freon performance is okay, but with lack of airflow pretty miserable. We had all the gauges, R12 and tools there.
Yeah by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
Yeah by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
So swapped it out (the duct tape is nice right). It really wasn't as bad as I remembered on my dads car. Car is cooling very well even with no tint, even my girlfriend says its comfortable. With 98 ambient I am comfortable in the car. System is mostly original, so quite pleased with that.I don't even have to run blower at 3! Not sure how long it will last but when this breaks. I am just going to replace everything with stock components and using R12 again.
Yeah by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
Yeah by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
Picture of testing, before console reassembly. This known good box of course had a bad resistor. Speed two was broken. So swapped it out for my old one and we were in business.
Yeah by Kurvenkamph Motorsport, on Flickr
So yeah that is the update. Hope you enjoyed if anyone is even still reading this. Need to pack the car and head to Atlanta.
Yes that's exactly right on the non raised water jacket. Still really weird to me it has a E28 based pan on it, but it looks like it has never been off.tschultz wrote: Dec 06, 2023 4:05 PM Guessing you got it for a steal! Bonus you have the oil cooler filter housing already there. Looks like the '81 M90 to me (without the raised water jacket).
Are you going to try to run it on M1.3?