Big Bronze Rim wrote:You don't have to buy a MLV liscense, it will just ask you to register each time. I went ahead and registered it as I had no problem paying for the product as it was instrumental in tuning my car.
As for uploading your files, use something like fileshack or rapidshare to host them. Someone else may be able to recommend a better solution though.
I must be having a problem actually saving the file for viewing as a "video" of the acutal log. I can save a snapshot of the file, but that doesn't seem to give enough info.
You already have the file. The file you loaded into MLV is the file we want. That way we can pick the variables we want to see. How bout you email me one that you have a question about?
so this should be the file also. This is me starting the car cold and pulling it out of my shop, letting it warm up above idle (because it won't idle until warmed up), letting it die about 5 times and then taking it around the block with a minute cooldown after. the car may have hit a solid 3 psi of boost, but I did not give the car hell. it still seems to be lacking about 75% of it's power.
I confirmed the LC-1 appears to be working via the serial connector on it, and the LED flashes properly. I haven't got to really play with it yet. I plan on:
- confirming the pinouts on the ms unit
- check voltage at the LC-1 signal wire
Anything else? It's kind of baffling. The MS unit may be miswired. It's an early goathumper board which has an extra DB-9 connector for sensors. (?) The TPS wasn't connected to the 55 pin motronic harness at all, so maybe the O2 is the same. *shrugs*
back to my situation, I put more fuel in the car and drove it. I am having some problems after the car warms up with idle. The car kind of wants to do it's own thing with idle no matter what I do. It will constantly stay above 1200rpm. I still don't have much for cold start idle, I have to give it throttle in order to keep it running. any quick ideas? I am held at bay right now enjoying the 745i so this MS project has turned more into a project. I am sadly starting to think bad thoughts about scrapping this project and taking it back to N/A. boo.
alijonny wrote:back to my situation, I put more fuel in the car and drove it. I am having some problems after the car warms up with idle. The car kind of wants to do it's own thing with idle no matter what I do. It will constantly stay above 1200rpm. I still don't have much for cold start idle, I have to give it throttle in order to keep it running. any quick ideas? I am held at bay right now enjoying the 745i so this MS project has turned more into a project. I am sadly starting to think bad thoughts about scrapping this project and taking it back to N/A. boo.
Contact me after the 11th and we'll figure out your idle issues
so silly wuestion but i cant seem to find where i saved this info, but i have gone and gotten the six wire tps but i cant find the pin out for splicing the wires. my original has br/bl br/bk and br which wires go where, am i to assume correctly that the sheilded wires ( yellow brown and black) dont get used? thanks alot. silly but i just want to make sure.
I had it rrunning last night and i had an issue with one of the injector banks not firing when i traced the problem out i had D17 back wards, after resoldering it in properly everything was running way better but after about another hour of setting up the unit, it stopped working like it is supposed to, when i crank there is no signal to the injectors, and when i roll over the key to on the middle and the right lights flash then go out, the fuel pump no longer primes and the fan doesnt cycle on, nor does my idle valve start running(idle valve normally comes on with on possition as it is a pwm valve). The worst part was it was after doing a few burns to the chip. also it will not communicate with my laptop any longer with it plugged in to the car or the stim, but with the stim i know the chip is gone in it. If there is someone i can talk to in person i would really appreciate that, It is unfortunate for me but i have a need to be finished this project asap as my sister is kicking me out of her garage.
Most of this was copied an pasted from the email i sent DIY
Thanks in advance brad, turbo dan, and all others who reply haha
On a side note it sortof did the same thing to me the other night when i was doing my output and input tests for my wiring. But when i went back to it the next day i was able to reburn a previous map on to it and i accredited it to me being overly tired and having corrupt files, but i think something had to cool down for it to work properly again, or something like that. I am going to see if it runs today now that it has cooled off a bit but i have gone over all my soldering and cleared any and all flux that could possibly bridge anything.
that will be the first thing i will try tonight. Hopefully that solves my issues cause thats seriously not cool, other then that i have to finish connecting the front half of the exhaust to the rear half and get my oil pressure line from my buddy and i should be street tuning right away.
yeah at first i was freaking out cause it wouldnt open up the comm when saying i wasnt upgrading from ms2 firmware so i had to go the jumper route then un jumpered, either way it works. brad what firmware are you using cause if possible i would really like to have your msq file so i dont have to re-enter it all. ohh haha did i mention i had to delete anything related to ms or megatune completly off my laptop for it to work.... i should have hid my msq on my other drive but i was a dumb ass and in desperation now i have to load it all again.
okay so i got the firm ware all fixed up but now one of my injector banks isnt firing and i have done a bit of troubleshooting and i think its the FET but im not completly sure. when the ecu is on i have 4.8 v at input A but only 2.8 v at input B, and on the output side i have 0v at outA but i have 1.5v at outB and that voltage is carried over to pin 1 of Q11, whats odd is that befor all this started happening this was the bank that was working fine. ohh and same voltages at corresponding pins 21 and 22 of ecu. any thoughts?
ohh and i did try debugging the ecu with the flash again but it didnt help.
so i did one more check with the meter before i had to leave the garage tonight due to frustration, what i fould was i was getting continuity across the fet on the bad bank but not the good one.
okay well i have temporarily setup my ms2 to run on just one injector bank til the new fet and various other goodies get here. Including CLT temp sensor.
Anyway what my new question is... heres a simple one that i just cant see (maybe its cause my eyes can only see 16x16 rainbows). Anyway when aplaying back my datalogs it appears that my VE table is running off my TP and RPM not baro and RPM. i told you its simple i cant find where to change it over to baro.
edit: i think i figured it out.... in the configurator in under map/baro setting. tell me if im right or wrong. im not in the car anymore tonight but for fun i will try to upload my log from my first drive in the car in well atleast a year.
yeah i tried to look it over a tonne but i cant figure it out cause i am on speed density but if you look at my log even at 10psi its only hitting 100% on VE map. i cant figure it out. i will upload my msq as well maybe you can help me figure it out dan.
Do you have tab in Megatune labeled "Basic Setup"? Under that tab, there should be another labeled "Engine Constants", under which you can select basic settings like speed density VS alpha-n. That'll vary between code variants, but hopefully yours has it in the same spot.
okay so i feel like a super noob right now but i will tell you what i did find. when in MLV i had some how in adverantly switched the y-axis to tp rather then map. so yeah.... now to figure out why my clt sensor is not reading properly.
bornagain wrote:Brad your not using %baro are you?
No, I'm not using % baro.
bornagain wrote:okay so i feel like a super noob right now but i will tell you what i did find. when in MLV i had some how in adverantly switched the y-axis to tp rather then map. so yeah.... now to figure out why my clt sensor is not reading properly.
What is the problem with the CLT sensor? Is it not reading at all or is the reading just wrong?
okay so yeah figured out why the MLV was screwed up and i thought it was MT. As far as the sensor goes, apparently somewhere in my wiring diagram things went wrong. on my wiring diagram it says that the br/red wire is for coolant and that is what i hooked up but later when i checked it i have continuity with ground on that wire. so i ran a temp wire and viola it works now. so somewhere in the wiring it is shorted or my wiring diagram is wrong.
Brad what themistor table did you go with?
i think my number were
Why is it that I read the MS FAQ here and several pages on and I'm even more confused than I was before? I guess I just don't have a good enough knowledge of computers in general to even understand the instructions.
grsmonkey wrote:Sounds like you just need some hands on experience.
I guess... I get the whole idea of how to make the engine run (spark advance, AFR). What I don't understand is all the different boards and inputs/outputs, abbreviations, and computer components. I wouldn't feel comfortable hands on when I feel this clueless. I understand what volumetric efficiency is, but I don't understand the VE table. I don't really understand how to read the tables in general. It seems you're already supposed to know this stuff or you don't get to play. I haven't found a place that describes the basics of the stuff I don't get.
grsmonkey wrote:Sounds like you just need some hands on experience.
I guess... I get the whole idea of how to make the engine run (spark advance, AFR). What I don't understand is all the different boards and inputs/outputs, abbreviations, and computer components. I wouldn't feel comfortable hands on when I feel this clueless. I understand what volumetric efficiency is, but I don't understand the VE table. I don't really understand how to read the tables in general. It seems you're already supposed to know this stuff or you don't get to play. I haven't found a place that describes the basics of the stuff I don't get.
Tyler, I highly suggest reading this book:
It starts with the simple concepts and moves forward in a very straightforward fashion.
I have the performance-tuning, and performance tuning in theory, as well as maximum boost by corky. I'd be willing to get them up to you, if you are interested. I also have a book called charging the internal combustion engine. Lemme know if you want them.
HEY I'm back. after a short time away from the car and the 'squirt I am sorta refreshed and ready to get back to screwing around with the car. I finally went out tonight and bought a new laptop so I can tune comfortably. So yeah. hopefully there will be less bitching and moaning from me and some real progress. please add my 535 in your prayers. lol.
alijonny wrote:HEY I'm back. after a short time away from the car and the 'squirt I am sorta refreshed and ready to get back to screwing around with the car. I finally went out tonight and bought a new laptop so I can tune comfortably. So yeah. hopefully there will be less bitching and moaning from me and some real progress. please add my 535 in your prayers. lol.
speaking of, look at this site I found, pretty neat. I think I may have a #27? or #5? It can make sense since I have issues with the exhaust manifolds getting red hot art idle.
If any of you are running MS2Extra 2.1.0, I can recommend the 2.1.1b beta or even the 3.0.3n alpha.
Ken has improved the MAP sampling and it yields a much smoother idle and better throttle response (set your MAP lag to 100 and forget about it). I run sampling angle of 140 and window size of 20 on the M30.
Development of 2.x.x code has stopped with 2.1.1b; there are some closed loop idle improvements in 3.0.3n which I am running. If you have TunerStudioMS, it's not too bad to migrate your MSQ from one to the other (just read and heed the warnings when you import into the newer project)
There's a turbo Corvette I'm working with locally, and I think I will migrate it from 2.1.0p to 3.0.3n.