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Posted: Dec 04, 2011 9:27 PM
by rmiddendorf
oldskool wrote:Cat can't flush. They lack opposable thumbs, Greg.
Its from a movie-
Meet the Fockers.
Posted: Dec 04, 2011 9:31 PM
by Mike W.
oldskool wrote:Cat can't flush. They lack opposable thumbs, Greg.
Yeah, cats are a little big to flush, but kittens go right down.
(or so I've been told, no personal experience)
Posted: Dec 04, 2011 10:07 PM
by TSMacNeil
...this is what it felt like at work in California last go-arounds from us though...
BTW-extreme crosswind from the right in this video makes the airplane "weathervane" into the wind.
(this cat actually had a wingstrike...then elected to bail)
Posted: Dec 04, 2011 10:24 PM
by davintosh
rmiddendorf wrote:oldskool wrote:Cat can't flush. They lack opposable thumbs, Greg.
Its from a movie-
Meet the Fockers.
That explains why I didn't get it. Haven't seen that movie
; did I miss much?
Posted: Dec 04, 2011 10:28 PM
by rmiddendorf
davintosh wrote:rmiddendorf wrote:oldskool wrote:Cat can't flush. They lack opposable thumbs, Greg.
Its from a movie-
Meet the Fockers.
That explains why I didn't get it. Haven't seen that movie
; did I miss much?
Its entertaining. Ben Stiller, and a few other folks. But Robert De Niro makes that movie. If its on TV its worth watching. I wouldn't go out and buy it. Maybe if you have NetFlix its worth it too.
P.S. Love the sig pic Dave!
Posted: Dec 05, 2011 10:19 AM
by oldskool
Stop what you're doing, punch out and go rent that flick! It's hilarious.
"Sir, . . .there's something I'd really love to give your daughter, with your permission of course. Its upstairs in my bag".
Posted: Dec 05, 2011 1:57 PM
by Brian in TN
Posted: Dec 05, 2011 9:54 PM
by Brian in TN
Posted: Dec 06, 2011 4:59 PM
by rmiddendorf
This ad popped up on my Yahoo account:
Seriously? The abbreviation for your school is UTI?
P.S. If you don't know what the heck I'm talking about Google it and look at the first non-paid result.
Posted: Dec 06, 2011 5:16 PM
by MicahO
I had an incredible case of
TT when I was 15. Almost lost one of the boyz, and the doc said if I had taken enough aspirin to get to sleep something would have ruptured and bled me out internally. The doc also said that 80% of men suffer from TT at one point or another. I've yet to meet one who had it like me.
Upsides - in Basic Training, the cadre would tell me they were going to make me hurt. I'd think "No, sorry pal, I know 'hurt' and you're not allowed to do that to me."
Anyone want to see my scar?
Posted: Dec 06, 2011 6:07 PM
by WilNJ
I went to school with a guy who's claim to fame (before being embroiled in a national scandal) was dropping trou, bending over and twisting his scrotum several times.
It was dubbed the "Grape Nut Twist"
Posted: Dec 08, 2011 1:54 PM
by Mike W.
I've got to start being more careful on the AM commute. I'm so used to the Sheriff's wanting to haul ass to get off shift when I see the Crown Vic headlight/running lights I don't even slow down anymore I just move over. They're headed into a building 2 buildings away, so they can be anywhere on the way in. If I'm not careful one of these days it will be the Highway Patrol.
Of course I'm doing a whole 4MPH over, but there are weeks I don't get passed by anyone but Sheriff's trying to get off on time.
Posted: Dec 08, 2011 4:33 PM
by Karl Grau
Before the days of political correctness, we had “Christmas Breakfasts”. Now we have these.
As some of you may recall, last year I brought my baby Jeebus dish.
I think it may have offended some people so this time I’m going with something contemporary.
This was the first try at this year’s dish. It’s going to need some work before the 15th.
Posted: Dec 08, 2011 4:39 PM
by davintosh
Karl Grau wrote:... This was the first try at this year’s dish. It’s going to need some work before the 15th.
In for pics of this after cooking...
BTW, how do you make the jump from Baby Jeebus to Justin Beber?
Gonna be scratching my head over that one for a while (or maybe I don't want to know.)
Posted: Dec 08, 2011 5:02 PM
by Karl Grau
davintosh wrote:BTW, how do you make the jump from Baby Jeebus to Justin Beber?
My recipes are organized alphabetically and 'Justin' and 'Jesus' were next to each other.
Posted: Dec 08, 2011 9:15 PM
by oldskool
Karl Grau wrote:davintosh wrote:BTW, how do you make the jump from Baby Jeebus to Justin Beber?
My recipes are organized alphabetically and 'Justin' and 'Jesus' were next to each other.
How did I miss JAMBALAYA?!?!?
I've got 10lbs of shrimp thawing so you better make it gooood.
Posted: Dec 11, 2011 12:47 AM
by Brian in TN
Posted: Dec 11, 2011 5:56 AM
by WilNJ
oldskool wrote:Karl Grau wrote:davintosh wrote:BTW, how do you make the jump from Baby Jeebus to Justin Beber?
My recipes are organized alphabetically and 'Justin' and 'Jesus' were next to each other.
How did I miss JAMBALAYA?!?!?
I've got 10lbs of shrimp thawing so you better make it gooood.
Thawing? WTF!
Flat busted, you don't live anywhere near Coastal NC. Who are you really? Say it, say it!!!
Posted: Dec 11, 2011 9:14 AM
by oldskool
Frozen from roadside vendor in mid-August. No jambalaya recipes so it went into a tasty shrimp diavolo.
See you at The Vintage.
Posted: Dec 11, 2011 9:33 AM
by WilNJ
oldskool wrote:Frozen from roadside vendor in mid-August. No jambalaya recipes so it went into a tasty shrimp diavolo.
See you at The Vintage.
Hmmm. Well OK then.
Posted: Dec 12, 2011 9:06 AM
by MicahO
So a good friend of mine, named Dick, is an incredible guy - runs his own forge for fun, rebuilt by hand his circa 1780's barn with all joinery done by the original methods (he admits to using his chain saw for a lot of the timber shaping). The list goes on. He's a person that could drop back into the 18th Century and do pretty well for himself.
Dick was asked by the local highway department to trap some beavers that had dammed-up areas along some local roadways. The flooding was causing washouts and general problems. He forges his own traps - piece of cake! Dick ended up with a few beaver pelts, and the meat.
Dick and his wife have many neighbors, one pair happens to be lesbians. Dick left some of the beaver for them to eat. They loved it.
The lesbians enjoyed eating Dick's beaver. True story!
Posted: Dec 12, 2011 6:22 PM
by davintosh
I finally got my garage cleared out this weekend & can fit a car inside. Had to levitate my table saw to do it, but by gawrsh it's done!
Posted: Dec 13, 2011 4:24 PM
by rmiddendorf
I'm having one of those pissed off days. Nothing anyone did here... I just went to ship a package that included beer and the local UPS store can't take it. But the main UPS hub can- so I had to drive out there and spend my afternoon doing that. That's all for now.
Posted: Dec 13, 2011 5:04 PM
by MicahO
rmiddendorf wrote:I'm having one of those pissed off days. Nothing anyone did here... I just went to ship a package that included beer and the local UPS store can't take it. But the main UPS hub can- so I had to drive out there and spend my afternoon doing that. That's all for now.
Ridiculous what they will/won't ship.
In the pre-9-11 days, I once came back from London with a bunch of bottled beer packed in my bags, with underwear and t-shirts for padding. The security guys at Heathrow started to say that I can't do that. I said "But it's *beer* that I *can't get* in New York!!!" They saw how important the issue was and let me take it through security. Phew.
Anyway - go home and drink one that did not ship out, and perspective will return!
Posted: Dec 15, 2011 4:23 PM
by Brian in TN
Lindsay Lohan neked Playboy pics. Giggidy giggidy
Nsfw Nsfw Nsfw ... hotoshoot/
Posted: Dec 16, 2011 9:45 AM
by a
Not bad for a Marilyn Monroe-esque layout. But the chiles not right
Posted: Dec 16, 2011 8:11 PM
by rmiddendorf
I'm spending my Friday night hanging with this girl:
And talking with ya'll too. She doesn't say anything coherent yet...
Posted: Dec 16, 2011 8:24 PM
by Karl Grau
OMG!!! That's not the pic you used on the Christmas card is it?
(sorry, couldn't resist )
Posted: Dec 16, 2011 8:27 PM
by rmiddendorf
Karl Grau wrote:OMG!!! That's not the pic you used on the Christmas card is it?
(sorry, couldn't resist )
Posted: Dec 16, 2011 8:39 PM
by Das_Prachtstrasse
I just drank milk straight from the bottle, and did so with such vigour that I spilt some in my beard. Thanks to the 35C temperature today, my beard now smells like vomit. Nice.