Many thanks for reply this gets things sorted a bit for me
So if I improve the flow of the engine it could help avoid craks.. am i right??
I searched danish webs for a used 24td manifold and the only one avaliable atm is for 324 (the flange that is smaller is the turbo flange right?) but i was thinking of making on myself just like you did, i have access to stainless steel tubes which i could weld together and make one with same design as 24td (turbo upwards), i would like to have the turbo fitted upwards to be able to fit a bigger one
For the m20 manifold, is it worth buying on from new ... 88_big.jpg to make it fit and will the engine be able to spool the turbo through it? or would it be more reasonable to make one myself? I am thinking of making one that looks a bit like this ... 80_big.jpg
About the ecu, great to know. then i won't waste money on that
i know about evrymod, but what is hammermod? cant find anything on the web about it!? (which one is the best to use and/or can I use both) how many hp can the 24td pump deliver i was thinking of gettting one to push some more fuel through..!
Nice MB system btw
was thinking to make a custom bypass valve for my system when i fit the compressor, with a throttle body from a gasoline engine and a actuator. I just dont know how to make the actuator open when turbo starts making pressure.. any ideas how i can make this work?
Awesome and thanks for the link to gasket to go, couldnt find anything about where to get one
What do u mean about updating the cooling system? btw its the radiator without expansion box on the side, it has expansion box at center near window which i think is better (had some problems through time with the other system where expansion box is on radiator, leaks, poor cooling and so on
Anyway thank you very much for replying this really healped me out and nice project
looking forward to see what you are making of the diesel monster and will be hanging around to keep myself updated on things