All the plates have been sent out two their new owners. Again, I'm sorry for the delay caused by the plating process.
I hope everybody is happy with the outcome. Let me know if you have any issues mounting them.
Thanks again everybody for making this happen, without I would still be sitting sideways in 2 of my seats.
Here are the instructions. I tried to cover it in a video, but it didn't work the way I wanted int to. I think the pictures are easier to follow.
Please remember that these are tips from my side, I will not be responsible for any damages caused during the steps of this manual or afterwards.
You need:
3mm Allen
Flat head screwdriver
Plenty of rags
Cold Beer
Bring seat in a position where you can easily reach all the bolts.
Remove seat belt.
Remove plastic cover nut (that is missing in all of my cars
Pull off cover
Remove 4x7mm Hex screws
Carefully pry work your way around the front cover with a small flat head screwdriver, do not lever to hard one one side, or you will break the plate in half
Be careful not to loose any of the 4 plastic guides or the washer setup, take them off the plate, clean and place in their position. The grease will hold them.
The washers go on the worm gears in the bottom. Order: metal, rubber, metal.
Time to Press out the bushings:
Place the 17mm socket under one of the big bushings to support, use a 6mm socket from the top. A couple of gentle hits with a plastic mallet should break them loose.
Repeat for second bushing.
Place the socket below the red plastic bushing in the bottom of the plate. Using a 4mm socket, repeat as before. These usually can be pressed out by hand.
Take the new aluminium covers, place them on a soft surface (rag).
Start with the two big bushings, gently tapping them in with a plastic mallet. Make sure they stay straight. It takes a little bit of force, to get them back in.
Press the two red bushings in by hand.
Time to get the leftover grease of the old plate. The grease should be in great shape, I decide not to replace it. If you do so, please remember to take a grease with a really high drip point. It gets hot in these cars in summer and the last thing you want is grease dripping on your nice carpet.
Place the leftover grease around the seat gears, don’t forget the two little plastic gears in the bottom.
Place the new plate on the gearbox, make sure all the plastic pieces and washers from the beginning are still in place. Make sure you align all the 4 shafts that go into the bushings. Press it onto the shafts by hand. You might not be able to fully seat the front plate. No worries, the bolts will take care of this in the next steps.
Take 4 of the M4 stainless bolts out of the bag, place them in the holes and use a 3mm allen to tighten them down. As usual, don’t tighten one screw down all the way, as the plate needs to be seated. Work your way around the plates a couple of times.
Wipe out the leftover grease out of the busing holes.
Now it’s time to modify the plastic cover, probably the “scariest” step of all. Place the plastic cover on a soft rag.
Take a thin blade and slowly cut your way through the three main “ribs” of the back side. Do this in multiple slow steps, not to break the plastic cover. I modified all 12 of my covers without breaking one.
Place the modified plastic cover over the plate, make sure to align the top threaded bolt with the “guiding rod” on the back of the plate. Tighten down the nut.
Mount the seatbelt back to the seat, make sure to align the little tab with the hole in the seat.
Tigthen the bolt to spec with NM. Remember, the seatbelt is safety critical, you don’t want to realize in a crash that the bolt was not tight to too tight and the seatbelt comes loose.
Repeat 4 more times for the remaining covers.
Open Cold beer and enjoy it in your car seats.