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Posted: Jul 28, 2009 12:22 AM
by Lee in MD
wkohler wrote:I think that's called a Combine.
Garsh, I had no idea! I weren't tryin' to be funny, cuz I really thought it was the world's biggest mower :roll:

Ever see a field of wheat after a Combine has finished harvesting it? I would call that 'mowed'.

Posted: Jul 28, 2009 12:42 AM
I wish I had one of these!


Posted: Jul 28, 2009 12:47 AM
Jake D wrote:Pick one

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Posted: Jul 28, 2009 2:52 PM
by C.R. Krieger
Charles Gray wrote:
C.R. Krieger wrote:You weenies.

THIS is a mower. Well, at least it is if that's what you happen to have on the 3-point ...

No, THIS is a mower!

You have a Porsche tractor? I thought the thread was about showing what you had ...

Posted: Jul 28, 2009 3:06 PM
by wkohler
Charles does indeed have a Porsche. You didn't post a photo of YOUR Ford. :rofl:

Posted: Jul 29, 2009 4:12 AM
by wkohler
Okay, well I finally had a couple seconds to take a couple photographs of the mowers in my life.

The first is a Sensation 21" cast aluminum deck with a 12-year-old Tecumseh 5HP motor. The original motor was a 3HP Briggs. My parents purchased this mower new in 1973. They used it for a couple of years, then gave it to my grandmother. She gave it to my uncle (father's brother) who let it sit on the side of his house for 10 years after it wouldn't start. Needless to say, it would have cost more to refurb the 3HP motor (I still have it) than it did to fit the 5HP one. The wheels are not original. The original wheels were cast aluminum as well and lasted until two years ago when the right rear suffered a blowout. I still have those as well. I'd love to find a single one in nice shape so I have four nice ones. Needless to say, the current ones are very nice. I used this one this morning before work, but didn't have a chance to clean it, as I usually do after use. The grass catcher isn't pictured, but it hangs on that bracket behind the deck, leaving a 6" gap for various things to fly out and hit me while I'm mowing. It also features a handle which pivots in the center, so it makes mowing certain areas easier, though having a rather-full grass catcher makes maneuverability difficult, and is best left in the conventional mode. The ride height is lower than stock. It does not have a very compliant ride, though. It's really a sports mower.


This mower was purchased new by my parents as well. It was bought to replace the green one in 1975. It is a Sensation Landscaper. It uses the same 21" deck the green one has, but it has a different handle assembly (which is fixed). It also has 12" rear wheels to aid in maneuverability. This mower is all original excepting the wheels which were just fitted last week. It has the original 5HP Briggs motor with a Cast Iron sleeve. This mower is at the stock ride height. We were having some mowability issues with it, so it had been sitting for the last five years. Carb cleaned, tuned up, etc and it is now slated for use at my house.


I'm also working on a deal to pick up a 2000 model Honda commercial mower. It sat for a while and couldn't be restarted. Instead of paying to have it fixed, my neighbor bought a $130 electric mower on Amazon, so he casually mentioned putting it on Craigslist for $50. I'm trying to get him to stick to that and skip Craigslist. It's a $950 mower.

Posted: Jul 29, 2009 1:41 PM
by C.R. Krieger
wkohler wrote:Charles does indeed have a Porsche. You didn't post a photo of YOUR Ford. :rofl:
I have never been inspired enough to take a photo of it, so I chose the nearest online configuration I could find (I have the grille guard, but my lamps are lying on a shelf because they didn't clear the bucket it had on it). Unlike certain unnamed anal retentive post whores here, I do not have a photo of every damn thing that I own ...

Posted: Jul 30, 2009 11:12 PM
by 1st 5er
Wish I'd seen your thread before I posted this about the Riding lawn Mower....

Nothing runs like a Deere, around my yard.

Posted: Jul 30, 2009 11:45 PM
by davintosh
Image Image

Mine is a few years older than the one pictured, but Snappers haven't changed much since then, and mine has similar attachments. I actually bought it second-hand, and sent the rod through the block after about three weeks. Put a new (in 1991) 5-horse B&S on it, and it's still running strong.

Posted: Jul 30, 2009 11:54 PM
by davintosh
And here's one that I spent way too many summer hours on as a teenager.


Of course, the whole time I was on it, I was dreaming it looked like this one...


Posted: Aug 02, 2009 11:28 PM


v8 tractor

Posted: Aug 03, 2009 10:42 PM
by JDeBortole
loos like something i might have in my collection...