Re: St Paddy's Day 2017 - 16th Anniversary! O'Fishel Thread
Posted: Jan 06, 2017 2:20 AM
Evgeny Kissin? That's an old picture...wkohler wrote:DaRedRocket before he ruined it and then subsequently wrecked it.
BMW E28 5 Series Enthusiast Community
Evgeny Kissin? That's an old picture...wkohler wrote:DaRedRocket before he ruined it and then subsequently wrecked it.
Yes, before the haircut. Haha.Kenny Blankenship wrote:Evgeny Kissin? That's an old picture...wkohler wrote:DaRedRocket before he ruined it and then subsequently wrecked it.
Ummmm...the latter is happening right now, isn't it?ElGuappo wrote:EG will indeed be there this year, come hell or high water.
The Dick Van Dyke couch is occupied by Chris so I got you inked in for the futon thingy.ElGuappo wrote:Chaz & Darin, can my previous accommodation arrangements be in effect? Curvy couch & Dick Van Dyke couch always works.
I guess I have over stayed my welcome on the futon thingy!MLastovo wrote:The Dick Van Dyke couch is occupied by Chris so I got you inked in for the futon thingy.ElGuappo wrote:Chaz & Darin, can my previous accommodation arrangements be in effect? Curvy couch & Dick Van Dyke couch always works.
You'll leave at like 2am anyway, so it doesn't really matter.Ray in Phoenix wrote:I guess I have over stayed my welcome on the futon thingy!MLastovo wrote:The Dick Van Dyke couch is occupied by Chris so I got you inked in for the futon thingy.ElGuappo wrote:Chaz & Darin, can my previous accommodation arrangements be in effect? Curvy couch & Dick Van Dyke couch always works.
I can always head up I8 and try to find the lady in the toyota chinook at the rest stop, she makes the world her toilet!ElGuappo wrote:You'll leave at like 2am anyway, so it doesn't really matter.Ray in Phoenix wrote:I guess I have over stayed my welcome on the futon thingy!MLastovo wrote:The Dick Van Dyke couch is occupied by Chris so I got you inked in for the futon thingy.ElGuappo wrote:Chaz & Darin, can my previous accommodation arrangements be in effect? Curvy couch & Dick Van Dyke couch always works.
I'll have a sleeping bag and air mattress just in case.
Lots of bodies on the floor at Darins, like a teenage birthday party...but we're drunk.
Does anyone drive down from further north? Seattle or Portland? It would be more fun to meet up than driving solo for three days.vinceg101 wrote:We have an official NorCal/LA/OC Caravan that leaves LA around noon on that Friday. The NorCal crew (if there any this year although elguappo and Yar promised to come this year) leaves the Bay Area at O'Dark Thirty that morning and typically make it here to the LA area around 11-11:30am. I meet them and host a quick lunch at the hangar (in Pacoima just down the road from you) then we all head southeast on the 210 to make the Inland track to San Diego. We sometimes pick up folks along the way. I'll make an official thread for it again sometime in the next month or two.Meister wrote:Is this open to anyone/everyone?
I live just north of Los Angeles, so a jaunt down to SD isn't too hard. It appears this is a good time, and would be nice to connect in person.
Drop me a PM with you contact info and I'll stay in touch.
i haven't decided if i'll attend, but if i do, i'd be happy to meet up beforehand and drive down from Portland. not sure if cek is driving down from Seattle...?clangpap wrote:Does anyone drive down from further north? Seattle or Portland? It would be more fun to meet up than driving solo for three days.vinceg101 wrote:We have an official NorCal/LA/OC Caravan that leaves LA around noon on that Friday. The NorCal crew (if there any this year although elguappo and Yar promised to come this year) leaves the Bay Area at O'Dark Thirty that morning and typically make it here to the LA area around 11-11:30am. I meet them and host a quick lunch at the hangar (in Pacoima just down the road from you) then we all head southeast on the 210 to make the Inland track to San Diego. We sometimes pick up folks along the way. I'll make an official thread for it again sometime in the next month or two.Meister wrote:Is this open to anyone/everyone?
I live just north of Los Angeles, so a jaunt down to SD isn't too hard. It appears this is a good time, and would be nice to connect in person.
Drop me a PM with you contact info and I'll stay in touch.
Thanks, I'll keep an eye on this space.leadphut wrote:i haven't decided if i'll attend, but if i do, i'd be happy to meet up beforehand and drive down from Portland. not sure if cek is driving down from Seattle...?clangpap wrote:Does anyone drive down from further north? Seattle or Portland? It would be more fun to meet up than driving solo for three days.vinceg101 wrote:We have an official NorCal/LA/OC Caravan that leaves LA around noon on that Friday. The NorCal crew (if there any this year although elguappo and Yar promised to come this year) leaves the Bay Area at O'Dark Thirty that morning and typically make it here to the LA area around 11-11:30am. I meet them and host a quick lunch at the hangar (in Pacoima just down the road from you) then we all head southeast on the 210 to make the Inland track to San Diego. We sometimes pick up folks along the way. I'll make an official thread for it again sometime in the next month or two.Meister wrote:Is this open to anyone/everyone?
I live just north of Los Angeles, so a jaunt down to SD isn't too hard. It appears this is a good time, and would be nice to connect in person.
Drop me a PM with you contact info and I'll stay in touch.
was'suuuuup!ElGuappo wrote:Troy you should definitely come down, I want to see your 7 again!
My wife came in 2015. She enjoyed meeting everyone and enjoyed the actual "car show" on Saturday (ha!), but very quickly grew tired of the sausage-and-gearhead-fest. She choose not to go last year. I suspect she will come again this year, but will only make a brief appearance to the rest of you all.knunger wrote:I am planning on making this my first e28 related meet. In fact, this will be my first auto related meet, period. I only know one person in this crowd (Chris K) so I am a bit leery.
My question: I asked my wife, Bobbie, if she wanted to come (after all, we live in Tucson, so any chance to go to SD is more that welcome).
She replied: "Why would I want to hang out with you geeks for two days".
We're talking San Diego here. Sandyeggo may be the world's best place to visit. But, still, a very fair question.
So, Do you guys bring your wives? Is there something going on for non e28buttheads? Will there be other ladies there that will go shopping/sightseeing and thus happily discuss what dickheads I/we/us really are?
I'm going regardless. Whether I share a room with my wife at the 4 Points San Diego or with a e28butthead friend will probably be determined by the end of this thread.
There's a reason one of the wives who showed up last year calls this "Sausagefest"...knunger wrote:I am planning on making this my first e28 related meet. In fact, this will be my first auto related meet, period. I only know one person in this crowd (Chris K) so I am a bit leery.
My question: I asked my wife, Bobbie, if she wanted to come (after all, we live in Tucson, so any chance to go to SD is more that welcome).
She replied: "Why would I want to hang out with you geeks for two days".
We're talking San Diego here. Sandyeggo may be the world's best place to visit. But, still, a very fair question.
So, Do you guys bring your wives? Is there something going on for non e28buttheads? Will there be other ladies there that will go shopping/sightseeing and thus happily discuss what dickheads I/we/us really are?
I'm going regardless. Whether I share a room with my wife at the 4 Points San Diego or with a e28butthead friend will probably be determined by the end of this thread.
I remember that!! She still thinks you are the tits!Kenny Blankenship wrote:There's a reason one of the wives who showed up last year calls this "Sausagefest"...knunger wrote:I am planning on making this my first e28 related meet. In fact, this will be my first auto related meet, period. I only know one person in this crowd (Chris K) so I am a bit leery.
My question: I asked my wife, Bobbie, if she wanted to come (after all, we live in Tucson, so any chance to go to SD is more that welcome).
She replied: "Why would I want to hang out with you geeks for two days".
We're talking San Diego here. Sandyeggo may be the world's best place to visit. But, still, a very fair question.
So, Do you guys bring your wives? Is there something going on for non e28buttheads? Will there be other ladies there that will go shopping/sightseeing and thus happily discuss what dickheads I/we/us really are?
I'm going regardless. Whether I share a room with my wife at the 4 Points San Diego or with a e28butthead friend will probably be determined by the end of this thread.
There was one year a few wives and female friends showed up and I engaged them in a spirited discussion of the healthcare delivery system...