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What's an M20 powered e34 worth in 2023?

Posted: Dec 05, 2023 11:25 PM
by turbodan
I'm looking at a prospective chassis for a turbo m20. There is an early e34 525i out here, non running. Decent chance it's got a broken timing belt. Seats are pretty rough. Body looks straight.

Seller wants 1800. I'm thinking it could be viable at 500, especially if the motor is dickered.

Re: What's an M20 powered e34 worth in 2023?

Posted: Dec 06, 2023 10:14 AM
by jdb
Dan, I would think $500. for a non-running this case an E34 is a gift for the seller.
Selling such a thing is not a easy task!!


Re: What's an M20 powered e34 worth in 2023?

Posted: Dec 09, 2023 9:03 PM
by turbodan
Looked at it today. Kind of beat down, lots of little problems. Cosmetically not great, inside or out. As much as I want to sink countless hours and thousands of dollars into another shitbox I think I'll have to pass.

Need to find the little old lady with her M20 525i before she sells it to the teenager who will inevitably destroy the car.