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Posted: Sep 19, 2005 8:52 PM
by smackmybutter535i
This week I am installing the turbo. Can you guys with the 745 setup post some pics on how you fit the intercooler and give me some Ideas on how this thing is gonna go in? Is everyone running the oil cooler? Where does everyone run the oil return line from the turbo?
Posted: Sep 20, 2005 10:56 AM
by RDAvena
Posted: Sep 20, 2005 12:05 PM
by Tjn182
I'm sure when Yellow is feeling better he can post shots of his setup, because he has a functional 745i intercooler installed.
His installation puts the intercooler where the abs pump and charcoal filter usually are. The turbo faces down, putting the piping under the car, then it comes up to the intercooler which is placed fairly low on the body, which then comes up and turns towards the engine. I think on of the 745i pipes had to be cut slightly shorter to make stuff fit but that's about it.
If you have an ABS pump and don't want to move it then this option won't work.
Once I collect the pieces and the money, I am going to setup my intercooler WRX style with a hood scoop placed in the front passanger side of the hood. The intercooler will sit horizontally and it should provide pretty efficient cooling when I'm on the move.