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Posted: Aug 22, 2005 11:23 PM
by BKCowGod3
So, a bit of background. Ben's female:

She is in Italy. Until December. We have decided to write each other, and to keep with a strange tradition of Audrey Hepburn and Rex Harrison, I needed some imagery. So I found a picture of a generic 40's city, donned my best suit, fedora, and pocket watch, and about 30 minutes later the following was what I had... I just liked it and thought I'd share...

[Edit by BKCowGod on [TIME]1124767514[/TIME]]

Posted: Aug 23, 2005 12:39 AM
by Matt

If i had the photoshop skills you did, I'd remove my unibrow.

Just kidding - i'm considerably less attractive than anyone pictured here :)

Posted: Aug 23, 2005 12:46 AM
by BKCowGod3
I'll have you know that the unibrow of which you speak is a very good conversation starter...
"Why don't you wax that unibrow?"
"Because it has magical powers"
"Yah right..."
"Come to bed and I'll prove it"
-several hours pass-
"So what magical powers does it have?"
"It got you into bed, didn't it?

[Edit by BKCowGod on [TIME]1124772429[/TIME]]

Posted: Aug 23, 2005 12:53 AM
by Matt
hahaha. Well done :)

Posted: Aug 27, 2005 1:34 AM
by Tim in N FL
Hey Ben,

You crack me up, dude. which one was photoshopped? LOL. If I was dating THAT girl (Heather), I'd sure as hell not leave her to the rico suaves over in Italy. If you're serious about her, you'd best get over there for a visit or two my friend...


[Edit by Tim in N FL on [TIME]1125123968[/TIME]]

Posted: Aug 27, 2005 12:07 PM
by Rich in WI
Hey, it's good to know that guys who look like you can get girls like that! :D

You know what they say about the size of a man's eyebrows, no? ;)
