Slowly comming along [Winterizing the 533]

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Posts: 51
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Post by KidneyBoy »

How you like them bumpers!! :D Only took me ~ 2 hours to bend em up, one peice, cold bent by hand [and back, OUCH]


From a distance

First attempt sitting below, also its not perfect but its a damn 3" iron bumper :?

I have yet to start on the rear, i have to rebuild the drivers side bumper shock which is goind to be fun.
Brad D.
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Post by Brad D. »

That thing is a beast, Mad Max style. Should offer a good amount of protection from idiot drivers. All you need now is a snow plow mount ;)
Note to self- I'm glad I live in Texas where we dont have "winter".
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Post by BKCowGod3 »

i remember last winter... it was a doozie - I had to turn on the windshield wipers to the fastest setting once.

(actually, my town is in one of the only true rainforests in the northern hemisphere, but we very rarely get snow... lots of downed trees and the like, tho)
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Post by Kmoy2002 »

Those aren't the stock e28 headlamps are they? They seem like they come from an e34. Correct me if i'm wrong. If they are, how would you go aobut installing them? I've seen this setup of quite a few cars, but i don't know how they're wired.
Posts: 51
Joined: Feb 12, 2006 12:00 PM

Post by KidneyBoy »

Acually they are US elips from an e30. If you have the buckets in front of you its not that hard. Its kinda hard to explain tho :) Lots of chopping. Wiring is a bitch, i removed both the high beam and low beam relays and used a jumper so the lows would come on when the light switch is used. Then i wired the highs to a toggle switch as no relay would work for me
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