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I need tuning help in Northern Va

Posted: Jul 26, 2006 9:09 PM
by Steve in No Va
I finally have my S2 kit and replacement motor in place and have started the engine. However, I don't know diddly about tuning an engine. I was wondering if anyone with knowledge in the field is located in this area and could help me out. I am in Gainesville, VA which is about 20 miles outside the Beltway on Route 66.

I know I could call Todd every 5 minutes with a new stupid question, but he would probably want to strangle me and I probably would still have to take it to a shop for tuning.

I have some nice brown ale chilling in the fridge for anyone interested.

Posted: Jul 26, 2006 9:19 PM
by T_C_D
Call me when you need help! You paid for the support.

Posted: Jul 26, 2006 9:40 PM
by Steve in No Va
Thanks Todd. I was out there this evening and was trying to tune it to idle llike you said. The Bentley manual talks about the idle mixture screw in the AFM and pretty much nothing else. I fiddled with that and the RRFPR trying to get it to idle at 800rpm. It started at 500 and now idles at around 900. It smokes more than I would like and leaves alot of soot at the tail pipe, which leads me to believe it was running rich so I dialed back the RRFPR 1 full turn and put the idle mixture back to around where it started.

I don't want to rev it without some feel for its state of tune. I took the wheels off just to stop from tempting me to frive it around the block.

I did notice alot of ticking sound from the middle of the head area that increases with the revs, but I can't tell if that is a bad thing or the electrical impulses to the injectors. I kind of remember the sound, but it's been a year since it ran.

I would like to have it ready for the 8/5/06 BMWCCA autocross I signed up for. I'm itching to have some power since my 318ti Sport isn't exactly powerful.

Posted: Jul 27, 2006 12:04 AM
by gol10dr1
let me know how everything goes. i only live about 40 mins away but my very minuscule tuning knowledge only applies to standalones and not hfms! sorry

Posted: Jul 27, 2006 3:48 PM
by Steve in No Va
gol10dr1 -

You should sign up for the autocross on August 5. It is at Bowie Baysox Stadium in P.G. County just south of where Route 50 and Route 301 meet. It is usually a faster, longer course, which favors the stronger cars. I've seen cars hit 65-70mph and I had to shift to third last time I ran a course there.

Posted: Jul 27, 2006 4:00 PM
by Bill in MN

Todd put up with all of the questions I had and (I hope) still considers me a friend. Customer service is second to none with TCD.

Also, check your PM.