More good stuff for knock sensing.

Discussion pertaining to positive pressure E28s.
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More good stuff for knock sensing.

Post by Duke »


The KnockLite system connects to a broadband frequency knock sensor such as a Bosch knock sensor, but it can also be connected to a suitable factory sensor. It is very important to carefully position the knock sensor on the engine as you are trying to detect the ringing of the cylinder and so this has a major effect on the performance of any knock detection system. The actual mounting of the knock sensor and the torque setting of the mounting bolt is important as well to provide the best contact for the knock sensor. Under normal operation the KnockLite measures the RPM and adjusts its sensitivity to suit. It then measures the engine noise and determines whether knock is present. If knock is detected it will determine how severe the knock is and flash either an amber or a red LED. The KnockLite initially needs to learn the characteristics of the engine and this is done by activating the KnockLite program mode. In program mode you rev the engine to three separate RPM points and capture the engine noise levels from the knock sensor using the Program pushbutton. This is done over three points in the RPM range so that the KnockLite can determine an engine noise profile. Once calibrated the KnockLite sensitivity can be increased or decreased using the Program button. The KnockLite uses a RISC processor (which is a fancy name for a small micro-controller) to process the knock signal, determine the RPM and store all the calibration information in its non-volatile memory.

Looks to be an interesting tool. I like that fact that it will actually learn the engine noise and then give you indications of noise above the norm. Will also act as a shift light too.

Clicky $129
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Post by Maddog »

I would definatly be interested in learning more about this and doing some testing with it.
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