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MSQ File needed for my Turbo 535

Posted: Oct 24, 2007 11:56 PM
by Brad D.
I am looking to see if anyone has an msq file I can use to start off with to get my project rolling. I am running MS2/Extra code. This is for my turbo 535is. I am new to MS but not entirely new to standalone tuning. I just figured that if someone has a rough, working file to start out with it would make my life that much easier.

Posted: Oct 25, 2007 10:22 AM
by turbodan
I have a .msq for my 528 that may or may not be helpful at all.

Posted: Oct 25, 2007 12:30 PM
by Brad D.
Well, it couldn't hurt to check it out. While fueling and timing maps may be different (as well as other things), having a good working map to look at would definitely help me.

Posted: Oct 25, 2007 12:47 PM
by turbodan
I'll see if I can get my latest one off my laptop then.

An M30 is going to require a very different fuel map. The basic settings should work, like the trigger wheel settings for the M1.1 wheel, injector characteristics and ignition stuff. The timing map might be close. You could probably get away with just setting the req. fuel value for your engine and injectors and then retuning the tables and accel enrichments to suit your motor.

Posted: Oct 25, 2007 2:11 PM
by Brad D.
Thats pretty much what I was looking for - having the trigger wheel settings and such as a good starting point. I do appreciate it.

Posted: Oct 25, 2007 6:08 PM
by turbodan
I've got a copy of my .msq and the .ini file so Megatune will read it. Can I get your email address?

i have one too for 535is

Posted: Oct 26, 2007 11:58 PM
by cwl4m5
i could emailit car spent days n a dyno being tuned

Posted: Oct 27, 2007 12:14 AM
by Brad D.
Email is
Thanks alot guys.

Posted: Nov 01, 2007 6:57 PM
by turbodan
I just figured out how to use the print screen feature. I'm so stoked.

I'll post some pics when I get home...

Posted: Nov 01, 2007 9:01 PM
by Brad D.
Awesome, thanks!

Posted: Nov 02, 2007 6:34 PM
by turbodan
Did you get the email? It would be a PITA to get the trigger wheel settings, ignition and injectors characteristics and all that junk in a screenshot, so I went ahead and sent my .msq anyway.

Posted: Nov 03, 2007 1:29 AM
by Brad D.
Yes I did. Thank you very much.

Posted: Nov 13, 2007 1:07 PM
by Brad D.
Well, I am still very new at the whole MS thing and the learning curve is more like a step function. :shock: Anyway, the car will crank and catch, but runs like crap. I am constantly having to restart it. Throttle does nothing but make the car want to stall. The rpm fluctuates and it drops low enough that it thinks the car is still cranking (which is set at 300rpm). I am running 42 lb/hr injectors and have set my req_fuel to ~9 and have tried increasing it to as much as 16 to see if it makes a difference. It seems lean at idle as the WB reads 18-20:1 but the fluctuation makes it hard to get an accurate reading. This is read directly off of the LM-1 display as MS doesn't seem to want to display AFR until the car is running. Also I seem to get some popping through the intake which leads me to believe that the timing is off( or its lean). I will try to get some of my tables up later and hopefully I will get more time tonight to mess with it.
Anyone else have an .msq file they would like to send for me to comare with mine. At this point it is helpful to see the different way people tune and what settings work for them.

Posted: Nov 13, 2007 1:43 PM
by M. Holtmeier
It sounds like way too much fuel. Pull one of plugs out and see if it isn't dripping wet. Remember, your wideband tells how oxygen is in the gas, so if there is unburned fuel it will read lean. I read somewhere that if you lower your req. fuel to zero and get your cranking and afterstart enrichments set first, it's easier to tune. It worked for me at least(MS1), but I fowled a set a plugs with 60 lbers. My req fuel is set at 6.6.

Posted: Nov 13, 2007 2:24 PM
by Brad D.
I am willing to bet that is probably the case the more I think about it. I am going to try the method you mentioned as I just finished reading it elsewhere. I meant to pull the plugs last night but ran out of time. I have a spare set if I need to replace them, which is sounding like it might be necessary.

Posted: Nov 13, 2007 2:29 PM
by turbodan
When in doubt, lean it out.

Are you using EAE with lag compensation? Mine ran like complete ass with that enabled.

Posted: Nov 13, 2007 2:58 PM
by Brad D.
I am not using EAE. I am going to go home, check/change plugs and start lean and work rich until it runs better than it does right now.

Posted: Nov 13, 2007 6:07 PM
by turbodan
What kind of VE values do you have for around 700 rpm and around 40 kpa?

Anything over 15 would be way rich to me. I'd try about 10%.

Posted: Nov 16, 2007 11:07 PM
by Brad D.
Well, a little update with only limited sucess. I have my req_fuel set at 8.9 which is what is recommended. My VE table in the idle region is around 15%, tomorrow I will try to lower it a bit more. It wants to catch and will idle roughly around 500 rpm for 3-5 seconds and then it will slowly die out. I am still struggling with determining if my PWM idle is actually working. With it running so poorly I can't really tell if it is having any bearing on idle speed. Tomorrow I may disable it and try cracking the throttle plate a bit. From a couple of logs, it looks like my PW at idle with my 42lb injectors is around 2.1-2.2ms. Does this seem reasonable?

Posted: Nov 17, 2007 1:32 PM
by turbodan
It should run on around 2ms PW. It may be a little rich, but it should run. Cracking the throttle open a little is a good idea. Thats my idle sole idle control feature. It has a fixed supply of air and it adjusts the ignition timing to stabilize the engine speed around 800 rpm.

What kind of ignition advance it it trying to run with at idle?

Posted: Nov 17, 2007 2:02 PM
by Brad D.
I have it set to about 14 deg of advance at idle. Im gonna go out to the garage in a bit and have another go.

Posted: Nov 21, 2007 1:22 AM
by Brad D.
Well, a little success. I haven't had a whole lot of time to work on the car as I recently had knee surgery, but I was so frustrated that no amount of req fuel would keep the car running. It seemed like everything I did would have almost no effect. Soon thereafter I noticed that my IAT was reading -0deg. I checked all wiring and everyihng was good. After a little digging it seems that corrupted firmware can cause this issue. Well all be damned if the first time I try to fire it up after reflashing it started and tried to halfass stay running. With the limited time Ive messed with it Ive almost got it to idle. Also somehow my TPS got wired so the signal was being fed my 5V ref signal so it thaught the throttle was always open - it was probably in flood clear mode. Hopefully I will have some time to make headway over the Thanksgiving weekend.

Posted: Nov 21, 2007 11:04 AM
by turbodan
My TPS is the same way. I should have checked the splices before I soldered and sealed them. Oh well.

I'm not sure which menu its under in Megatune, probably "Tools" IIRC, but you can recalibrate it to run like that. Find "Calibrate TPS" and do it to it. The only drawback is that the 5v reading is less stable than a minimum voltage singal for a closed throttle, so the reading is less steady than it would be if it were using a .1v signal, or whatever your TPS provides at minimum.

Its not a big problem, but it makes the over run fuel cut more sensitive. The reading can vary by a few tenths of a percent with the high signal voltage. I have my overrun threshold set at .02 percent, which covers fluctuation and still works acceptably. I may fix that one of these days though, because it could be better.