Would you like a preview of replies in notification e-mails?

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Would you like a preview of replies in notification e-mails?

Yes please, it would be a useful addition with no downside
No. I can't see the point and if it makes Jezza's job that bit harder, then it isn't worth it
No votes
Who TF are you to be telling Jezza how to run this board? Go F-off back to Faraway Downs and ride some kangaroos around the back paddock
Who TF are you to be telling Jezza how to run this board? Go F-off back to Faraway Downs and ride some kangaroos around the back paddock
I love you Dean, you're the best. I agree with everything you say. Signed, Asskisser Suckup
No votes
I don't understand the question.
No votes
I am too stupid to not reply to the notification e-mails using my e-mail client rather than logging into the forum and using it the same way as I have always done
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Total votes: 4

Posts: 3636
Joined: Feb 12, 2006 12:00 PM
Location: Dullsville, WA, Australia

Would you like a preview of replies in notification e-mails?

Post by DRP535 »

I'm starting a one-man campaign to convince Jeremy to re-activate the option the board software allows to include a very brief preview of the reply that causes you to receive notification e-mails.

You have probably seen this in action with other forums you're subscribed to. When someone replies to a thread you have posted in (and are subscribed to), the board automatically sends you an e-mail to alert you to this reply. In the case of MyE28.com you only get the notification which basically says "log back in using the link provided to see what was written".

There is an option however to include with this a very brief preview of that reply in the body of the e-mail text. It does not include any pictures so it does not increase the size of the e-mails you need to download. It doesn't even include the whole of the reply unless that reply is very short. It's only a preview.

Why is this necessary or a good thing? It's good because, if someone makes a very short reply such as "Thanks" or especially for the trading sections you get a lot of "bump" replies, you can see it entirely within the notification reply e-mail and it saves you the time and bother of launching the browser and loading the MyE28.com page just to see a one word reply.

Jezzabel says they tried this once before for a while but it was too problematic because many of you tried replying to the notification e-mails and then complained that it wasn't working. I'd like to give you lot a bit more credit than that, so to this end, please answer the Poll question.

The correct answer is the first option.

You can read more about it here
Karl Grau
Posts: 9716
Joined: Mar 10, 2006 7:34 PM
Location: Sandy Eggo

Post by Karl Grau »

Unfreaking believable!
I get an email when someone PMs me. Are you saying you're notified every time someone responds to one of your posts?
If so, thank god I don't have that feature activated.
I'm obviously missing something here because it seems, I dunno, really stupid.
Posts: 2434
Joined: Dec 23, 2006 7:43 AM
Location: Tepoztlan, Mexico

Post by option00002 »

Agreed. Sounds like torture. They must have this feature on the 90210 boards. :hysterical: