I just rebuilt the motor, all new seals and gaskets, bearing, yada yada yada. I will get some pictures but there isint obvious damage to the rear main seal. The oil was dripping onto my exhaust so it had to have either been coming from pretty high up or slinging around in good shape. The duck gasket was replaced and the head thoroughly cleaned. It doesn't look like the oil is coming from there.
I had the motor running after the rebuild, sounded great. No lower end noise and prolly coulda used a slight valve adjustment but if you stood 10 feet away you couldn't hear any noise from the head(thinking M20 typerwriter as I have never really heard a normal running M30)
I'm gonna take the rear main seal cover off tomorrow and check the gasket behind it, the seal, and the oil pan but if I don't find anything obvious how am I gonna know what it is? Or should I just rereplace it all and hope for the best?
I'll double check the crankshaft endplay but I am pretty sure it was nice n tight after the rebuild.
Pretty burnt out about having the car running and ready for the road other than a radiator fan to see oil steadily dripping from the right side

Motor is in an e30, which is one reason I didn't just pull the transmission to look at the rear main.