Spark Plug Gap Stock E28 M5?
Spark Plug Gap Stock E28 M5?
Hello all. Sorry to ask a really basic question, but using the stock Bosch plugs in a stock S38B35 engine, what is the proper gap for the spark plug electrode? Thank you!
Re: Spark Plug Gap Stock E28 M5?
Re: Spark Plug Gap Stock E28 M5?
Thanks. That also works out to .024 to 028 inches for the “metric averse” of the world. I not only gapped the Bosch plugs to these specs, bit I also found a crack in the rubber boot from the intake to the MAF, which was really messing with the car’s running. I ordered a new one and taped up the torn one with Gorilla tape until it arrives. All of a sudden, the car started running “more properly”. Sill not great, but a massive stride forward. Thank you.
Re: Spark Plug Gap Stock E28 M5?
No problem - best of luck sorting it out.