Noob turbo line question

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Noob turbo line question

Post by wjones »

I have 3 oil lines going to/from my turbo and I guess I'm not sure what they all are.

1. This is naturally the drain

2. This one goes to the drivers side rear corner of the head. The line looks small for it to be a supply

3. This run to the top of the turbo mid section is tapped into the block near the red box in the photo below.

Help identifying these is appreciated.

Edit: I figured it out. Upon closer inspection there is a fourth line to the thermostat housing.

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Joined: Apr 08, 2006 12:25 PM
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Post by j9fd3s »

if the turbo is installed right, the line on top, is the oil feed, bottom is the drain and the 2 on the sides are the water lines.
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