First, the numbers.
It's a 25 mph roller test. RPM are required to be between 1200 and 2000. My car likely did it in second, as it was tested at 1970 rpm.
Limit 143
Mine 116
CO (%)
Limit 0.46
Mine 0.30
Limit 1000
Mine 551
Car sat for around 45 minutes before testing due to having to do it as a walk-in (lack of planning on my part). Test results seem to indicate the AFR was good by the CO % and the catalytic converter was pretty much stone cold judging by the HC and NOx numbers. I warmed it up before getting there, but it had plently of time to cool off. Temps were in the low to mid 50s this morning. Car is running Motronic still.
Given all this, and the fact that under "Visual" it says "N/A" for my car, anybody think I could get away without the cat?
Car passed emissions again, cat not needed?
I think the "visual- N/A" means that CT doesn't do a visual inspection like CA does. Here in MA if the actual emissions are in spec they don't care if you have a garbage disposal attached to the intake. It's not like feeding the C.A.R.B. extortion machine.
The twin turbo 6er would pass MA emissions (same values as CA) without a cat. The only reason the techs would look under the hood was to see what was making the wonderful sounds.
The twin turbo 6er would pass MA emissions (same values as CA) without a cat. The only reason the techs would look under the hood was to see what was making the wonderful sounds.