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Posted: Dec 31, 2005 3:19 PM
by dpstk
I was thinking about purchasing a small turbo from a friend. I don't know the stats on it as of yet. It will however have to be resealed and I was wondering two things. 1: Where canI send it to be redone and 2: If I am buying the turbo what else will I need to buy to make it work? (I am new to this). I can post the info on the turbo but are they easy to make work on the E28 if it is a modern turbo... no computer mods etc?

Posted: Dec 31, 2005 3:25 PM
by T_C_D
[QUOTE="dpstk"]I was thinking about purchasing a small turbo from a friend. I don't know the stats on it as of yet. It will however have to be resealed and I was wondering two things. 1: Where canI send it to be redone and 2: If I am buying the turbo what else will I need to buy to make it work? (I am new to this). I can post the info on the turbo but are they easy to make work on the E28 if it is a modern turbo... no computer mods etc?[/QUOTE]

Don't buy anything until you have done your research. Do NOT start your build by buying a small turbo. You need to decide what manifold you will you use prior to buying a turbo.


Posted: Dec 31, 2005 5:17 PM
by dpstk
Don't buy anything until you have done your research. Do NOT start your build by buying a small turbo. You need to decide what manifold you will you use prior to buying a turbo.


Any you recommend?

Posted: Dec 31, 2005 7:01 PM
by Mark 88/M5 Houston
You can start you general turbocharging research with the "bible" : Image

and then go here to start your BMW engine turbocharging research:

Posted: Dec 31, 2005 7:09 PM
by Mike in Louisville
^^^^ Read that book! Especially if you're going to do an ' la carte' turbo system and not a kit that's already been researched. But you should still read it either way so you won't be ignorant about what you have.

Posted: Jan 01, 2006 11:10 PM
by gol10dr1
why a tcd manifld should do the trick!

Posted: Jan 02, 2006 8:25 AM
by Tjn182
Yeah.. you cant just buy a used turbo and make a kit if you have no idea what you're doing. Read that book and you will be bestowed with all of our knowledge (except experience) and power! Otherwise... you're probably just ask us a billion zillion basic questions that could have been easily answered in that book.

Posted: Jan 02, 2006 1:53 PM
by dpstk
I understand. I am not sure if I even want to put a turbo on it or not. But thanks for the info.

Posted: Jan 02, 2006 3:59 PM
by Tjn182
If you're in Valdosta, hit up Yellow in Atl -- i'm sure he wouldn't mind giving you a crash course in turbochargers -- maybe you can decide on what you want to do from there?

Posted: Jan 02, 2006 4:24 PM
by Yellow2
my roommate is from valdosta, its a 2hr or so trip i think. lemme know if you wanna come to ATL.