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Can oil squirters/jets be added to M30 block?

Posted: Apr 30, 2006 1:35 PM
by wickahead
As a way to avoid studying, I have been getting more and more fascinated with doing a turbo on my e28.

If I can't find a M106 block with the knock sensor and oil jets on the pistons (for cooling), can we retrofit it into the M30 block?

I know Duke mentioned "retro-" fitting his M106 test block with the jets/nozzles, but I was unclear if it was missing a part or if it was adapted (like we would need to do for an M30).

Also, is there any experience/history of mounting a knock sensor to the M30 as well? Does the MegaSquirt system take it as an input?

BTW, I have ordered Corky Bell's "Maximum Boost" and Tom Monroe's "Engine Rebuild" handbook so I can follow along better with all the technical discussion of turbo's and the tuning of them. (Of course I already have a Bently).

I think I have caught the infectious disease of "turbo-itis". I have a bad feeling that it will become a terminal case of "I need-more-power-lead-footus". And I blame you all in this forum for it. Thank you.


Posted: Apr 30, 2006 8:16 PM
by Tjn182
I still have a M106 block for sale, the A/C bolt holes are kaput, -- other than a typical rebuild it should be good to go. Talk to Yellow for details, he's in charge of it all.

Otherwise, I do believe Duke drilled holes to act as his oil squirters, he might be able to chime in.

Posted: Apr 30, 2006 8:53 PM
by Skeen
I think Sweeney has added squirters to an M30 before. I vaguely remember reading his words about this (try the search).

Posted: Apr 30, 2006 9:43 PM
by Shawn D.
Sweeney did indeed do that and posted a number of pictures of the process.

Posted: Apr 30, 2006 11:19 PM
by Duke
Yes, they can be easily added. In fact, the German who put together my short block often added the oil jets to all of his racing engines be it M20 or M30.

Posted: May 01, 2006 2:03 AM
by wickahead
Mr. Sweeney, do you (still) have the pics for the oil jet modification handy?

I looked through all your (Sweeney) posts, and saw the post where you were looking for the angle to drill the holes. But I didn't see the follow-up on how it went and/or pics (I probably missed it).

If someone has the link to the thread, that would be great.

Posted: May 01, 2006 2:20 AM
by wickahead
Tired eyes... Found the original post: (Thanks Sweeney for doing the hard work!)

Original post: